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Pupil Voice Groups / Grwpiau Llais y Disgybl

Pupil Voice Groups

Lakeside has five pupil voice groups and each has staff members attached to them:

The Pupil Leadership Team is made up of the Head Boy, Head Girl and their deputies.  Their duties include delivering the Anti-bullying Week assembly, greeting and speaking with visitors, carrying out research into various factors of school life, e.g. friendship and the availability of books, and managing and presenting the school’s news vlog.

The School Council’s focus is on representing pupil requests ranging from chips every day for lunch to better play equipment.  The School Council work closely with a local food bank, collecting, packing and delivering food donations at regular intervals throughout the school year.  They also organize assemblies and activities for special days, such as NSPCC Number Day and International Mother Languages Day, and last year they raised awareness about Guide Dogs and ran fundraising activities alongside this.  

The School Council also made a video and wrote an accompanying letter for new pupils for 2024's Day of Welcome:

Dear New Pupil,


We are members of the Lakeside Primary School Council, and on behalf of all the children of Lakeside Primary we want to welcome you to our school.


We want you to know that we are very excited that you are joining our school.  Lakeside is a happy, safe place where we have fun as we learn.  There are over five hundred children here, but don’t worry – we are a very friendly bunch!


We have great facilities in our school, including playgrounds – with adventure play for climbing and balancing on - two huge playing fields, and lots of playground toys to play with.  There’s always a game of football, cricket or netball to join in with, or other ball games, skipping ropes and other fun equipment.


We also have a very nice garden and forest school area, plus something else that’s very special indeed – a wonderful Wellbeing Pod in our school grounds!  It’s called Ty Bronwen and it’s a place of quiet sanctuary for anyone who needs it.


All the people who work here are very friendly and your teachers will be lovely, kind and understanding, and they are easy to talk to if you ever have a problem.


Children are really valued here and we have lots of opportunities to have our say about the things that matter to us, like which charities the school should support and how we can do more to save our environment.  We have lots of pupil groups – like the School Council – which you could join once you’ve settled in.


Starting a new school can be scary, but please remember that we were all new once, and you have a whole new group of friends just waiting to meet you.


See you soon!

From Lakeside School Council

Criw Cymraeg promotes Welsh throughout the school, making videos about the Welsh alphabet and modeling sentences, running competitions and quizzes for Shwmae Day and Dydd Miwsig Cymru (Wales Music Day), and helping staff organize Welsh Week and Eisteddfod activities and competitions.  

The Lakeside Citizens’ remit is the environment and global matters.  They encourage responsible recycling and energy conservation and recently made a video about the school’s new recycling bins.  Members of the group helped plant new trees in a local communal area and are now Guardians of the Trees for life.  The group’s work continues as they work on a campaign to reduce the amount of lost property in school and try to encourage people to label their possessions.

The Digital Leaders work hard to promote internet safety both in school and at home, delivering an assembly on Safer Internet Day and running an associated competition.  They have run other related competitions, e.g. photography and a My Life Online poem competition.  Digital Leaders are also the regular ‘go to’ people for help with technology problems in class. The Digital Leaders recently made a video for Safer Internet Day, which you can view here: