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Lakeside Primary School

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The PTA Cake Sale this week raised a wonderful £155! Thank you to all involved!


dragonfly logo iconCoronavirus and Me survey for KS2 pupils

Dear Parents / Carers

As we start another week of “lockdown” due to the Coronavirus pandemic,  I hope that you are all staying safe and keeping well.  Welsh Government has teamed up with the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Children in Wales and Welsh Youth Parliament / Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru to design the nation-wide survey to ask children and young people about their experiences during the pandemic.  Named Coronavirus and Me, the survey is open to those aged 7 to 18 and covers key themes and issues including about their health, education, the impact on social aspects of their lives and the needs of specific groups.  This will help Government to respond to the situation in the best way. The survey closes on 27 May 2020.  Please could you share this survey with your child.


Thank you

Rachel Mitchell


Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
