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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx

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Amdanom Ni

dragonfly logo iconEnriching the Curriculum

Enriching the curriculum at Lakeside


Throughout the year the curriculum taught by the teachers in the classroom is enhanced and supported by many activities and visits that take place out of school

and by the welcoming to school of a wide variety of professionals and specialists: poets, writers, musicians, artists, sportsmen and women, theatre groups, dancers, professors and people who specialise in areas of the curriculum. All of our class visits to places of interest are related to our topics and all enhance the delivery of a curriculum with its characteristic Welshness: ‘Y Cwricwlwm Cymreig’.


Life in school is never boring: lessons are well planned and delivered, and the variety and breadth of our visits and visitors is impressive. This year visits have included Treginnis Farm and Stackpole residential centres and Alpe D'Huez ski resort, St Fagans, Llanciaich Fawr, The Imperial War Museum, The New Theatre, Cilfynydd, Tredegar House , Noah’s Ark Zoo, Tredegar Park, Brecon Beacons, Chapter Theatre, Techniquest, Cardiff Library, Boulders Climbing Centre, Parc Play area, Crucial Crew, Green Meadow Farm, Cardiff Castle, Y4 two-week swimming course, Roath Park and St Woolo’s cathedral.


. Visitors and visiting groups: we have welcomed, Zoo Lab, Police-school liaison officers, XL Wales DT workshops, Rubicon Dance workshops, Firemen from White Watch, Pandemonium Theatre, Road Safety show, Popstars Dance school, UWIC tennis coaches, Cardiff City coaches, Glamorgan Cricket coaches, The Dogs’ Trust, health talks on a wide range of topics from drugs to healthy eating, and several parents and governors who share their expertise with the pupils during topic work.


The school regularly welcome visitors who take assemblies. This year visitors have included Peter Hodge, Idris Powell, Tamar Pollard, Steve Harris, Mark Fisher and Richard Coleman.

These experiences are offered in addition to the variety of extra curricular activities run by staff and volunteers including: Evolve Sports for KS1 and KS2 pupils, football (girls and boys), rugby, netball and cricket (girls and boys) clubs, recorder groups, Eco Artists Krav Maga all met after school, whilst the Writers’ Clubs, School Choirs, Knitting club, netball, Urdd Club, Problem Solving Club and Gardening Club met during the lunchtime.


Musically, the school encourages children actively to participate in a wide variety of music groups, perform in concerts, listen to visiting music groups and celebrate the musical successes of our pupils by listening to the school orchestra and individual and group performances in school on regular occasions. Instrumental lessons are given on a weekly basis by the peripatetic staff for pupils to learn stringed, wind, keyboard and brass instruments. As pupils progress, they are encouraged to join the school orchestra. Lakeside School is one of the few Primary schools in Cardiff with its own orchestra.


Concerts are performed by the children for their parents and families and the school choir joins our young musicians in showing off their undoubted talents to appreciative audiences. Many of our pupils become members of the County Junior Schools Choir and Orchestra groups and this is the first step for many youngsters as they develop their skills and become proficient musicians playing and singing in groups to a very high standard of performance. We are always pleased to celebrate the music examination successes of many of our pupils during the year.


The School Council is made up of pupils from Y2 to Y6, elected by their peers in each class. The Council meets on a fortnightly basis with the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher in order to discuss a range of issues that concern our pupils. The Council is often used as a ‘sounding board’ for ideas raised by staff, governors or parents. This year the School Council joined forces with the Governing Body and made a very interesting presentation to the governors on their work in the school. they also made a visit to the Senedd and were able to hold a School Council meeting in the chamber.


The Annual Eisteddfod, celebrating St David’s Day in 2011, was eagerly anticipated by the children and the standard of entries and performances was very high indeed. The KS2 event was a fiercely competitive day, enjoyed by all, adults and children alike. For the first time in 2010, pupils in the Foundation phase also held a competitive Eisteddfod with children competing in their House groups.

The Eisteddfod Concert, held in the evening for parents and relatives was a celebration of the children’s successes gained in the Eisteddfod and during the term. As usual, this was a great success with children’s performances of a very high standard.

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
