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Lakeside Primary School

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Announcement Banner

Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconYear 5

Welcome to Year 5 

Class Information

Class Teachers 
Mrs Tanner - 5T
Mrs Vanstone - 5V
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Cole (Mon-Thurs)
Mrs Fish (Fri)
Miss Shepherd (Mon- Fri)
Mrs Evans (Mon-Wed)


PE and Kit

Our days for PE and Games will be every Wednesday, unless we are attending NIAC on another day.  Please could children wear their PE kit into school on this day. A navy T-shirt and navy blue shorts are required and trainers or similar footwear. Navy t-shirts may be purchased from YC Sports. During colder weather, tracksuits or other warm clothing may be worn.



Homework will be set in Google Classroom 

Homework will consist of either maths, comprehension or a piece of work related to our context. 



Spellings will be set in Google Classroom every other Friday

Children will be given a list of words to learn, using a different strategy. This can also be practised in J2Blast in HWB.



Reading books will be provided on Active Learn, online.

This academic year we will be providing your child with a weekly reading book online using their 'Active Learn' account. The children have been shown how to access the books and how to read it, and answer the comprehension questions that accompany it. Children are welcome to bring in books from home to read in school, but they will need to be kept in their school bag or class folder. Please encourage your child to read at home as much as possible whether it be books, comics or even instruction manuals!


Maths Reinforcement
Your child can continue to develop the maths skills taught each week, by accessing their own 'Maths world' at Active Learn. Each child has been given a username and password. The school code is qlq7.

Big Maths

Big Maths 'Clic', 'Safe' and 'Learn its' tests will take place weekly online in school. Parents/guardians are able to support their child's learnin by practising the tests we have put into Google Classroom.




To increase pupils’ confidence in communicating clearly in Welsh with a variety of audiences including teachers, peers and familiar adults in everyday situations.


Welsh you can use with your child at home

Beth ydy dy enw di? (What is your name?) answer: Tom ydw i (Tom ydy fy enw i)

Sut wyt ti’n teimlo? (How are you feeling?) answer: Dwi'n ____ achos ____

Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw? (what is the weather like today?) answer: Mae hi'n _____ (and extend using achos - because, ond -but, ac- and)

Snack Arrangements

If your child would like to bring in their own snack, please can you ensure it is a healthy snack e.g. fruit or vegetables (no crisps, chocolate. biscuits or sweets) Please remember we are a 'NUT FREE SCHOOL' due to allergies. Thanks!


Drinks Bottles

Please provide your child with at least one full drinks bottle each day, which can refilled in school.


Learning Project - Spring Term - Alchemy Island

It’s time to suspend your disbelief and open your mind. We’re going on a magical journey to Alchemy Island. Can you find the gold hidden deep within the island’s mysterious landscape? The only way is to study the map, unravel the riddle and begin your adventure. On the way, you must do all you can to learn about gold and master the ancient art of alchemy.  Could you compose a stunning soundtrack to bring this mysterious landscape to life? You’ve got your map, coordinates and everything else you need to make your way across Alchemy Island. Don’t forget to pack your imagination. Got your suitcase ready? Then let the journey begin.


Learning Project - Summer Term - Scream Machine


Roll up, roll up. You’re going on a day trip to a theme park, to soak up the unique sights, smells and sounds of the fair. Learn about the science behind roller coasters and write poems that are shaped as a loop the loop. Time for some mini investigations. Cam mechanisms, pendulums, pulleys and prototypes. Let’s go behind the scenes to see forces at work. Good news. The engineers at ‘Scream Towers’ love your work and want you to build a death defying new drop ride for their theme park. Make a working model and test it out with uncooked eggs. Cracking stuff. Okay, ready to ride? Don’t forget to scream if you want to go faster.


Thank you for your continued support,


Mrs Tanner, Mrs Vanstone & the Year 5 Team


Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
