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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconYear 1

Welcome to Year 1: Croeso!


The Year 1 morning drop off starts at 8:45 and finishes at 8:55 when our school day starts. If you arrive later than 8.55, to ensure the safety of your child, please take them to the main foyer to be dropped off as there will be no-one on the Foundation Phase (FP) playground to meet them.

Our day finishes at 3.25 and you collect your child from the FP playground.  Please wait near the middle of the playground as Year 2 parents wait at the bottom of the steps. 

For drop off and pick up arrangements, and further information about the school, please read the Parent Handbook on the parent page. 


Learning Projects in Year 1 
Autumn TermSpring TermSummer Term
Memory BoxMoon Zoom

Rio de Vida

(The Story of St David mini topic)

Enchanted Woodland


This term our Learning Project is Enchanted Woodand  

We start off this Learning Project with a trip to Mountain View Ranch in Caerphilly... we get to look at all the woodland areas, visit the Enchanted Fairy Garden and then follow the Gruffalo Trail. During the term, we will learn all about the different animals and plants that live in a woodland.  After the half term, we are planning to visit Roath Park Lake, so that we can see all the wildlife and birds that live there... there will of course, be time for an ice-cream too! We will also be learning about the history of Roath Park and looking at photos of what it used to look like in the past.

The main books that we will be reading this term (key texts) are:

The Gruffalo (Julia Donaldson)

The Magic Paintbrush (Julia Donaldson)

and The Bog Baby (Jeanne Willis)


Also, keep checking our class SEESAW page for updates, messages and reminders.  Thanks!


The Year 1 Team

The Class Teachers are:
1BN: Mrs Vicky Burgin (Tuesday, Wednesday) & Mrs Louise
 Nessbert (Monday, Thursday & Friday)
1E:  Mrs Katie Evans (Monday-Friday). Whist on maternity leave, Mrs Evans is being covered by Mrs Ellie Griffiths.

Our Teaching Assistants are:
Miss A. Evans  (Monday-Wednesday)
& Mrs R. Jaberansari (Wednesday to Friday)

Mrs K Martin (Monday - Friday)


Personal Equipment

Everything that your child needs will be provided for them, so please ensure that they do not bring any personal items into school.  

It would assist us greatly in school if you could ensure that your child's name is clearly marked on all items of clothing, especially cardigans, jumpers, coats, bags, lunchboxes and drink bottles. 


Lunch and Snack

Your child will need a packed lunch or you can order a school lunch via ParentPay. 

Every day, they will need to bring a bottle of water and a piece of fruit (or veg) for their snack.  It would be helpful for your child if their snack is in a separate pot/bag, so that they know what to eat during the morning break.  

If they bring small fruit such as grapes or cherry tomatoes, for their safety, please can these be chopped in half. 

Due to there being children with allergies across the school, please also remember that there are to be

NO NUTS brought into school.  This includes any foods that contain nuts such as peanut butter, Nutella / chocolate spreads, cereal bars etc. 


PE lessons and Outdoor Learning

Every Tuesday, Year 1 will have a PE lesson, either outside or in the hall.

Please can your child come to school wearing their PE kit, so that they don't have to change in school.  A navy T-shirt, navy blue shorts and trainers are required. Navy t-shirts may be purchased from YC Sports. During colder weather, tracksuits or other warm clothing may be worn.

Tuesday is the day that they will have Outdoor learning activities.  Please can you send your child into school with a pair of wellies on this day, or you can send in a pair to keep on their pegs. 



Once we have re-assessed the most suitable book level/band for your child, reading books will be sent home, with guidance on how to help support your child with their reading. We will also then be able to assign books to their Bug Club online library. 

Information for Parents about Bug Club online 


Homework will be set every week, using Seesaw, whereby teachers can set homework digitally for children to complete on a device at home, which can then be sent back for the teacher to respond to. 

Please make sure that you only complete the work in the Homework folder, not the class folder. 

The class folder contains work that they will complete in school and it is uploaded for you to look at.  

When we mark the work, we use A for achieved, PA for partly achieved and MS for more support / work needed. 


Reading folders go home every Friday with a reading book inside and need to be returned every Tuesday. 

Please make sure you only return the book in the bag as we have to quarantine the contents.  Please click on the link below for further information on reading and homework. Thank you! smiley

Homework and Home reading 



To increase pupils’ confidence in communicating clearly in Welsh with a variety of audiences including teachers, peers and familiar adults in everyday situations.


Many thanks for your continued support, 

Mrs Burgin, Mrs Nessbert, Mrs Evans and the Year 1 Team smiley



Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
