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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconYear 2

Welcome to Year 2


Class Information

The teaching staff this year are:  Mrs Harries 2H and Miss Page 2P


The teaching assistants are: Mrs Johns, Mrs Mingay (Monday to Wednesday), Miss Langford (Wednesday to Friday) and Mrs Giangrandi



The Year 2 morning drop off starts at 8:45 and finishes at 8:55 when our school day starts. If you arrive later than 8.55, to ensure the safety of your child, please take them to the main foyer to be dropped off as there will be no-one on the 2P gate to meet them.

Our day finishes at 3.25 and you collect your child from the FP playground.


Learning Projects in Year 2
Autumn TermSpring TermSummer Term
Muck, Mess and MixturesHeroes and HeroinesTowers, Tunnels and TurretsTales From WalesOur Natural World


This half term our Learning Project is Tales From Wales

Our project has many questions that need answers. Why do visitors want to come to Roath Park? Who was Captain Scott? What makes a great leaflet? What does ‘cynefin’ mean? Will ‘Woolly Wendy’ find the Snowdon lily? We are going to be very busy finding out the answers to these questions and many more! 


We will also be learning:

  • To identify places in Wales.
  • About the Countryside Code and the impact of our actions on the environment.
  • How to present the weather in Welsh and English!
  • About the artist, ‘Martyn Evans’ and creating a collaborative painting in the style of his work.



Home Reading Folders

Please could book bags be returned with the home reading book inside every Wednesday.



Homework will be set every Friday using Seesaw, where teachers can set homework digitally for children to complete on a device at home, which can then be sent back for the teachers to respond to. We will also assign books to your child’s Bug Club online library.



PE sessions take place every Monday. Please could children wear their PE kit into school on this day- navy/black joggers, shorts or leggings and navy/white t-shirt and a school jumper for warmth.

Lunch and Snack
Your child will need a packed lunch or you can order a school lunch via ParentPay. Each day, children will need to bring in their own fruit or vegetable for morning snack and a full drinks bottle. The children have access to a water cooler where they can refill their bottles throughout the day.

Due to there being children with allergies across the school, please also remember that there are to be NO NUTS brought into school. This includes any foods that contain nuts such as peanut butter, Nutella/chocolate spreads, cereal bars etc.





Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
