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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconReception

                                                               Welcome to Reception


In Reception we wear a smile to school everyday! The Reception school day begins at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm. For drop off and pick up arrangements, and further information about the school, please read the Parent Handbook on the parent page.

Also visit our twitter page for regular updates, photos and reminders.


The Reception Team

The class teachers are:

RS: Mrs Rayer(Mon,Tues, Wed) & Mrs Street(Thurs, Frid)

RD:Mrs Davies(Mon-Frid)

The teaching assistants are:

Mrs Morgan and Miss Kearle.



Please could your child bring a reusable bottle full of water and fruit or vegetables for snack. If they bring small fruit such as grapes or cherry tomatoes, please could these be chopped in half. Please NO NUTS. This includes any foods that contain nuts such as peanut butter, nutella etc. 


Physical Development

Every Friday Reception will have a PE lesson, either outside or in the hall. Please can your child come to school in their PE kit so that they do not have to change in school. (Black or navy shorts /joggers/leggings , t-shirt/school polo top, school jumper/cardigan and trainers.)


Outdoor learning

The children will have a whole class outdoor learning session every Friday. Please can your child bring in a pair of wellies each Friday or leave a pair of wellies on their peg



Reading books are sent home with guidance on how to support your child with their reading. We also assign books to Bug Club online library. Homework is set on seesaw. This is where teachers set work digitally for the children to complete on a device at home, which can then be sent back for the teachers to respond to. 


Learning Projects: 

Autumn A - Getting to know you

Autumn B- Do you want to be friends?

Spring A- Dangerous dinosaurs

Spring B- Puppets and pop ups

Summer A - At the beach

Summer B- On the Farm

Our Learning Project this half term is Puppets and Pop ups. The children will watch a puppet show and learn how different puppets move. They will listen to a variety of stories, make their own puppets and perform group puppet shows. 



 Further information on Bug Club.

The children will be using an online reading resource called Bug Club.

Please help your child to read the books allocated to them on active learn.

Remember, at the end of the book there are questions for your child to complete. To answer a question, just click on the bug icon. 

When your child has finished all the quiz questions in a book, they will earn 'Active Learn Coins'. By reading more books, your child will earn enough coins to 'buy' a reward in one of the many reward schemes. The answers to the quiz questions will be sent back to our teacher site so that we can see how your child is progressing. Thank you.


How to help your child this half term:

Talk to your child about their day in school. Share stories every day at home. Encourage your child to dress themselves each morning. Encourage your child to wait their turn to talk and answer questions clearly. Help your child with their reading book and key words. Log onto Bug Club so your child can read the online books allocated to them.



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