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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconYear 3

The learning projects for Year 3:


Autumn Term 

Scrumdidliumptious and Through the Ages

Spring Term

Through the Ages and Myths and Legends  

Summer Term

Tremors and Flow



In the Autumn term of Year 3, we will tuck in and enjoy a yummy journey of discovery, tasting fantastic fruits, venerable vegetables and tantalizing treats.  We will be reading 'The Baker by the Sea' by Paula White and explore the job of a baker and others in a historic seaside village community. We will read exciting recipes and write our own, too. Then get busy making tasty dishes from across the world and discover how good food helps you grow fit and strong. Here’s food for thought – if you are what you eat, what does that make you?


Through the Ages 

This project teaches children about British prehistory from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, including changes to people and lifestyle caused by ingenuity, invention and technological advancement.

In this project, children will explore:
• who the Celts were and when they lived
• how they lived
• Celtic customs, beliefs and traditions
• what happened to the Celts


Myths and Legends 


A project about the magic and mystery of Wales.

In this project, children will explore:
• the difference between a myth and a legend
• traditional Welsh myths and legends
• how to write a myth or legend



Tremors. Overwhelming and mighty, Mother Nature’s awesome energies hiss and roar deep within the Earth. Plates collide, spewing lava. Rocks rain down and mud slides in torrents. Towns and cities vanish under ashen clouds. Discover the dangerous and ferocious world of natural disasters and glimpse their savage and deadly effects. Visit the ancient city of historic Pompeii, frozen in time, then create blistering explosions from model volcanoes that fire foamy lava. Discover the properties of rocks shaped by the Earth’s breathtaking power. Watch out. Volcanologists detect formidable rumblings from an extinct volcano in Scotland’s capital. Red alert! What would you do?



From humble beginnings, the river flows down the mountain and into the sea. Pull on your wellies and wade right in. How deep does it go and how fast does it travel? What soil types can you find by the river? Which animals make their homes there? Let’s get down to the river bank and find out. Now hop on an imaginary boat and travel some of the world’s most majestic rivers – the Ganges, the Thames, the Amazon and Nile – and keep a journal as you follow their course. Time to investigate. As part of the local news team, it’s your task to track down the source of some mystery pollution. Where did it come from and who is to blame? Let’s meander through the world of rivers, taking a dip into their watery world.







Welcome to Year 3


Class Information
The class teachers are Miss Taylor (covering Mrs Doyle) 3T, Miss Waldron/Mrs Vanstone  3VW.  

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Jarvis and Miss Rundle.  They support class lessons throughout the week and provide interventions for groups.  

PE and Games -Thursday
Year 3 pupils must come to school on a THURSDAY in their PE Kit - navy/black joggers, shorts or leggings and  navy/ white t-shirt and a school jumper for warmth.


Things to bring

- coat 

- small bag with your lunch

- snack (fruit/veg only)

- bottle of water with child's name

- no pencil case - pens, pencils etc.. will be provided

- any prescribed medication (with permission letters signed by parents) 

- glasses

Visit Seesaw for regular updates, photos and reminders!



Homework will be set on Seesaw.

Homework will consist of a weekly maths 'think for three' and your choice of project taken from the home learning grid.  



Spellings/letters and sounds will be sent on Seesaw.  This is dependent on which spelling group your child is in. 

Phase 4 - children should practise the letters and sounds for this phase to support them in school.

Phase 5 - children should practise the letters and sounds for this phase to support them in school

Miss Taylor's no-nonsense group - children will be given a list of words to learn on seesaw - please use the no-nonsense spelling strategies to help practise the spellings in this list.  We recommend no more than 5 words per week.  



Reading books will be provided on Active Learn online (Bug Club) fortnightly and home learning books in book bags, weekly.   

The children have been shown how to access Bug Club.  Please encourage your child to read at home for at least 20mins per day. We encourage reading as much as possible whether it be books, comics or even instruction manuals.  School reading books will be swapped after a week at home and will be changed on a Friday. Please could your child read aloud to you to assist with their expression, fluency and accuracy.  


Mathematics and Numeracy Reinforcement
Your child can continue to develop the mathematics and numeracy skills taught each week by completing their 'think for three' maths questions, allocated on seesaw. 


We would highly recommend using White Rose Maths Resources: 

1 Minute Maths

Free workbooks

Support for parents


Other websites to support maths learning: 

Interactive games

Corbett 5 a day!


Big Maths

Big Maths 'CLIC', 'SAFE' and 'Learn its' tests will take place weekly online in school. Parents/guardians are able to see progress and support needed from their child's login page. We would appreciate if children spend some time each week to go over their work.  We will provide the children with paper copies of their CLIC and SAFE so that you are able to see any questions the children answered incorrectly.  



To increase pupils’ confidence in communicating clearly in Welsh with a variety of audiences including teachers, peers and familiar adults in everyday situations.


Welsh you can use with your child at home

Beth ydy dy enw di? (What is your name?) answer: Tom ydw i (Tom ydy fy enw i)

Sut wyt ti’n teimlo? (How are you feeling?) answer: Dwi'n ____ achos ____

Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw? (what is the weather like today?) answer: Mae hi'n _____ (and extend using achos - because, ond -but, ac- and)

Snack Arrangements

If your child would like to bring in their own snack, please can you ensure it is a healthy snack e.g fruit or vegetables (no crisps, chocolate. biscuits or sweets).  As we have lunch relatively early in the day, the children are also able to have an afternoon snack after they have completed daily mile.  Therefore a healthy morning and afternoon snack is encouraged.  


Drinks Bottles

Please provide your child with at least one full drinks bottle of water each day, this will be brought home for washing at the end of each day.  


We will continue to learn to:

  • use good manners, respect the needs of others and show a responsible attitude.
  • listen carefully and respond to instructions correctly.
  • use the Internet and research books to carry out context based research in school and at home.
  • use a thesaurus to extend vocabulary.
  • recite 2,3,4, 6 and 8 and times table instantly and confidently.
  • use an I-pad effectively.
  • continue to write neatly using a handwriting pencil to produce joined script and underline with a ruler where appropriate.
  • extend writing by including adjectives, adverbs and more complex punctuation, as well as more complex sentences.
  • read more texts with expression, fluency and accuracy.
  • develop the skill of editing and re-drafting work in order to improve the standard.
  • become confident at applying literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum.
  • continue to use our everyday Welsh vocabulary with 'Helpwr heddiw'.


We teach the children four main sentence types. These are called Alan Peat sentences and these help the children to develop their writing abilities. the four sentences are BOYS, 2ad, simile and 3-ed. 

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
