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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconYear 6

Croeso i Flwyddyn 6! 

Welcome to Year 6!



Class teachers:

Miss Fry 6F

Mrs Loulou 6L


Teaching Assistant:

Mrs Cremona-Thomas 

Visit our Twitter page for regular updates, photos and reminders!

Year 5 to Year 6 Transition

Our Topics

We are planning for the following:


Autumn - 'A Child's War' - How did World War 2 affect Wales?
In the project, the children will explore:
  • What it was like to be an evacuee
  • The impact of evacuation on children and their families
  • The daily life of a child in wartime Wales
  • The effects and devastation of the Swansea Blitz
  • Why some parts of Wales were more vulnerable to bombing than others
  • The life of Anne Frank
  • We will also be visiting Cardiff Castle


Spring 1 -'Frozen Kingdom' - Welcome to the Planet's coldest lands!

In this project, the children will:

  • Research facts and figures of climate, temperature, habitats and eco-systems
  • Create evocative artwork of the Northern Lights
  • Construct food chains to show how species are interdependent on each other as food sources
  • Find out about the bio-diversity of the Arctic or Antarctic ocean


Spring 2 - 'Chwedlau Cymraeg' Welsh Myths and Legends

An exciting new topic!

In this project, children will study the engaging stories of the Mabinogion and will have an opportunity to create their very own legends!  



Summer  - 'A Star is Born'

The new Year 6 topic for the summer term is 'A Star is Born'.  It will be related to our Year 6 Levers' Production and we will be learning about all things musical theatre!

We will be studying all aspects of set and programme design, props, costumes, drama and direction; we will also be learning about script writing, and the filming and editing process.


    Homework will be set regularly; this is often set on Google Classroom. Homework will help to consolidate skills taught in school and may also provide information if a home task is required for a topic. In Year 6, we encourage the children to be as independent as possible when organising and prioritising their time; we do this with the aim of preparing them for High School and we are grateful for your ongoing parental support with this.


    We would be very grateful if you could encourage your children to read for enjoyment as regularly as possible. We do appreciate that many children have evening clubs to attend, but as it is a skill that is used across the curriculum, regular practise is highly beneficial.


    Parents might like to consider subscribing to a weekly publication called First News. It is an excellent newspaper that has many interesting articles about current world events, written in a child-friendly way. If you are interested in subscribing to the newspaper at home, please click on the following link: 



    In Wales, the Welsh language is a core subject alongside English, Maths and Science. The children have many opportunities to practise their Welsh language skills throughout the school day, both inside and outside of the classroom. In addition to this, we have a daily Helper Heddiw session which focusses on different language patterns. The children also have lessons dedicated to their reading and writing skills.


    Dysgu Cymraeg/Learning Welsh

    If parents would like to join their children in practising Welsh at home, please see below for some links which we hope will be helpful:



    Say Something in Welsh



    Criw Cymraeg

    Members of Criw Cymraeg have a very important role in helping to promote the use of the Welsh language throughout the school. In February 2020, we were proud to have been awarded the Cymraeg Campus Welsh Bronze Award; this year our aim is to start working towards the Silver Award and Criw Cymraeg will play a pivotal role in this.

    Alan Peat

    Alongside studying non-fiction genres, we continue to use 'Alan Peat' sentences in Year 6, so if your child enjoys creative writing at home, please could you encourage your children to include them in their work. These top tips for sentence writing will really help you improve your writing skills. Click here, or find the link at the bottom of the page.   


    Physical Education
    PE is on Wednesday for both Year 6 classes. Please could the children wear their kit to school on this day. The children also have the opportunity to participate in our Daily Mile activity during the rest of the week.


    In order to allow plenty of time for lunch, please could the children come to school dressed in their Lakeside Primary School P.E kit, every Wednesday morning. A navy t-shirt and shorts are required, and trainers or similar footwear. Navy t-shirts may be purchased from YC Sports. If your child does not arrive in appropriate P.E kit, they will be asked to wear spare school kit. If for any reason your child cannot take part, we must have a signed letter from a parent/guardian.


    Useful Information:

    Welsh Government Test Revision (Reasoning and Procedural sample papers)

    Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
