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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconNursery

Snack Money 2023-2024

New starters - information for new parents

I'm going to Nursery!

Welcome to Nursery

 Please see the section below if you need to access the Home Learning planning.


We look forward to welcoming our children into Nursery each day and making sure they feel happy and secure when they are with us. Our school sessions are noted below. For drop off and pick up arrangements, and further information about the school, please read the Parent Handbook on the parent page.

Also visit out Twitter page for regular updates, photos and reminders:


The Nursery Team

The Nursery teacher is Mrs Goddard
The teaching assistants are:

Ms Thomas

Mrs Reyes

Miss Cribbett (support teacher)

Mrs Owens (support teacher)

We have a capacity of 80 children in Lakeside Nursery. In each session 40 children attend supervised by one teacher and three teaching assistants.

Nursery Times
Morning session: 9.00am-11.30am
Afternoon Session: 12.45pm-3.15pm



The children will be offered a daily snack of fruit or vegetables, with milk or water to drink. The cost is £1.20 per week, which can be paid for the full year, termly or half termly. Full details can be found on the 'Snack Money' document above.


Contexts for Learning

Autumn A - How Many Colours in a Rainbow?

Autumn B - Exploring Autumn

Spring A - Starry night

Spring B - Once Upon a Time

Summer A  - Are Eggs Alive?

Summer B - Build it up


Our learning project this term is 'Build it up'.

Mr Carey, our site manager, will be visiting Nursery to show the children how to build a  real wall, and they will all get to have a go too. As part of our science topic, the children will sort different materials into hard or soft, and rough or smooth. We will share books like 'The Three Little Pigs' and 'Whatever Next?', and the children will also learn about the different jobs that people do, and think about what jobs they might like to do in the future.


How to help your child this half term

Encourage your child to be independent, e.g. putting on their own coat. Play turn taking games so they can learn to wait for their turn. Share stories at home every day and talk about the characters, or see if they can recall/retell favourite and familiar stories. Talk to them about what is happening in the world around them and what changes they can see e.g. changing seasons, the weather and the different clothes we wear.

Library books

The children will choose a library book to bring home every Wednesday. We will provide a manilla folder for each child, but you may wish to purchase a green Lakeside book folder through parent pay at a cost of £4.50. Could you please send their reading folder to school every Wednesday. Thank you.

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
