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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo icon14.01.22

Dear Parents/Carers,


The first full week back of the Spring term has been a very cold one! Thank you for ensuring that your children are wrapped up in plenty of layers as we try to balance Covid guidelines against cold classrooms. While the forecast is still for cold weather next week, it looks as if the iciness of this week will be gone – let’s hope so! It’s lovely to see the children outside enjoying the sunshine on these lovely winter days.


I’m delighted to be able to report that we have not had to close or partially close any year groups, though some of you will have received warn and inform letters. We appreciate your vigilance in not sending symptomatic children to school and your readiness to act promptly should symptoms develop whilst your child is at school.


School finish time update

Following Mark Drakeford’s announcement today that rules are relaxing for outdoor events, we have decided to dispense with the staggered finish times from Monday 17th January. Pick-up times for your child/ren will revert to what they were before (i.e. 3.30pm for Key Stage 2; 3.15pm for Nursery and Reception; 3.25pm for Years 1 & 2).



  • Choir will restart on Monday (17th) – Year 5 first, in line with Football.

Gymnastics will restart on Tuesday for Year 3 only – there are still some spaces available. If your Year 3 son/daughter would like to sign up for gymnastics this term please visit to book a place, or email for more info.

  • We expect the Education Authority to review their advice on school clubs as Wales moves to alert level zero. We will then, of course, review our after-school club arrangements.

Choir (FP Hall)


Gymnastics (FP Hall)

Monday 17th Jan – Year 5

Monday 24th Jan – Year 6

Monday 31st Jan – Year 5

Monday 7th Feb – Year 6

Monday 14th Feb - Year 5

If a session is cancelled for any reason, it will NOT be replaced. The dates above are fixed

Tuesday 18th Jan – Year 5

Tuesday 25th Jan – Year 6

Tuesday 1st Feb – Year 5

Tuesday 8th Feb – Year 6

Tuesday 15th Feb – Year 5

If a session is cancelled due to staff absence or bad weather it will NOT be replaced. The dates above are fixed

Tuesdays for Year 3

Sam has informed us that due to numbers and restrictions she can only run sessions for Year 3 at present. Hopefully this won’t be for too long.



Year 5 Cycling Proficiency

All Year 5 parents/carers should have received letters to return to school by now, regarding Cycling Proficiency.


Class 5V will receive their Cycling Proficiency training from 24th January and Class 5T will start their training on 31st January.


Parking in the area around school

We understand that Woolaston Avenue was blocked earlier this week. Residents have asked us to remind those of you who drive your child/ren to school and park in and around this area to be careful not to block driveways and the road when you park. Thank you.


Wishing you all a warm, safe and pleasant weekend.


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell




Upcoming events

January 2022

  • W/C Monday Jan 24th – Year 5 Cycling Proficiency
  • Weds 26th & Thurs 27th – Chinese Dance Workshops – whole school
  • Friday 28th – Sunday 30th Jan – Big Garden Birdwatch
  • Sat Jan 29th – Friday Feb 4th – National Storytelling Week


February 2022

  • Tuesday 1st Feb – Chinese New Year
  • Friday 4th Feb – NSPCC Number Day – wear something to school with a number on it
  • Tuesday 8th Feb - Safer Internet Day. This year’s theme: All fun and Games? Exploring respect and relationships online.
  • Monday 7th-18th Feb – Year 4 Swimming
  • Friday 14th Feb – Valentine’s Day
  • Monday 21st Feb – Saturday March 5th – Fair Trade Fortnight


March 2022

  • Tuesday March 1st – St David’s Day & Pancake Day
  • Thursday March 3rd – World Book Day
  • Sunday March 27th – Mother’s Day
  • Friday 11th – Sat 19th March – British Science Week
  • Friday 18th March – comic Relief Day
  • Monday 28th March – 8th April - Year 5 Swimming


April 2022

  • Sat 2nd April – Sun 1st May – Ramadan (exact dates TBC)


June 2022

  • Mon 13th – 24th June – Year 3 Swimming
  • Sun 19th June – Father’s Day



  • INSET DAY - Friday 28th January
  • Break up for Spring Half Term on Friday 18th Feb (return Monday 28th Feb)
  • Break up for Easter Holiday on Friday 8th April (return Monday 25th April)
  • Early May Bank Holiday – Monday 2nd May
  • Break up for Summer Half Term on Friday 27th May
  • Bank Holiday Monday 6th June
  • INSET DAY - Tuesday 7th June
  • Return to school for pupils Wednesday 8th June
  • Pupils break up for Summer Holiday on Thursday 21st July
  • INSET DAY – Friday 22nd July


Term dates 2022-23

Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th September are INSET DAYS

Pupils return to school on Wednesday 7th September


Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
