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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconCOVID-19 Update 19 March 2020

Dear Parent’s / Carers,

What a week this has been! Can I firstly thank you all for the many kind messages we have received. Your understanding in these difficult times has meant a lot. I feel that we are all in the same boat and are living hour by hour and waiting for the next update.

As it stands at the moment, we are awaiting further guidance from the local authority as to what the picture next week will look like. The media is suggesting that there will be child care available (of sorts) for Key Workers. We have had no further guidance on this as yet but will endeavour to let you know as soon as information is available.

I am aware that year 6 pupils may be experiencing their last day in primary school tomorrow as they may not return if this difficult situation doesn’t resolve by July. This is heartbreaking, but beyond our control. On this basis, I am going to suggest that they treat tomorrow as the last day of the year. Pupils (who are well) are welcome to bring shirts to school to be signed by staff and their peers in case they are not able to do it later on. (They will, of course, be welcomed back gladly if this situations ends sooner!) YC Sports has kindly offered to coordinate the Leavers Hoodies (see separate parent mail) as school will not be able to be the conduit for giving these out to children.

On behalf of the whole staff, we thank you again for all your support; keep healthy and keep safe!

Best wishes,

Rachel Mitchell


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