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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconGreen status - letter from the Chair of Governors

Dear Parents and Carers


The Welsh Government has today published its assessment of all school’s in Wales, known as categorisation. This system looks at a school’s performance and its ability to improve, and then makes an assessment of the support it needs from the government and local authority. The less support required, the better the school is performing.


I am delighted to tell that Lakeside Primary School has been given the coveted GREEN status.


Lakeside has been making rapid progress since our ‘good’ inspection report in Feb 2015, which nonetheless saw the school placed in local authority monitoring for two terms and given a yellow categorisation.


Senior leaders, staff and pupils worked together to quickly lift the school out of monitoring, and today’s announcement that we have achieved green status in just two years is further and deserved recognition of that hard work and commitment.


While our focus on raising standards is relentless, Mrs Mitchel and the dedicated staff are committed to ensuring Lakeside remains a happy school, where the whole child is nurtured, and wellbeing sits at the core of our ethos.


On behalf of the Governing Body, and as a parent, I want to thank and congratulate every single member of staff for the work they do to help children at Lakeside succeed. They are all brilliant and I know you will take time today and in the coming weeks to congratulate your child’s teachers.


See more about this on MyLocalSchool (


Best wishes.


John Wilkinson

Chair of Governors

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
