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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconLakeside return to school


It has been wonderful to welcome back years 5 and 6 this week. Thank you to everybody for following the new staggered start and pick up arrangements that we have put in place.

Please double check drop off and collection times for your child/children. We would appreciate it if you did not arrive early as this avoids congestion at either end of the day and helps to keep all of the adults safe too.

Year 6 Drop off - 8.45am Pick up - 3.00pm

Year 5 Drop off - 9.15am Pick up - 3.30pm

Year 4 Drop off - 9.05am Pick up - 3.20pm

Year 3 Drop off - 8.55am Pick up - 3.10pm

Year 2 Drop off - 9.05am Pick up - 3.20pm

Year 1 Drop off - 8.55am Pick up - 3.10pm

Reception Drop off - 8.45am Pick up - 3.00pm

Nursery AM Drop off - 9.15am Pick up - 11.30pm

Nursery PM Drop off - 1.00pm Pick up - 3.15pm

We look forward to welcoming back years 1 to 4 next week on their allocated days (see previous emails).

For families with children who started secondary school this week, we hope it was a positive experience - please tell our old year 6 children that we miss them and hope they enjoy their new adventure in secondary school.

Enjoy the weekend.

Rachel Mitchell


Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
