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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 01.10.2021

Parentmail 1.10.21


Dear Parents/Carers,


It’s been a very autumnal week and we’re all putting away our summer sandals and replacing them with thermals!  A reminder that windows and/or doors are kept open in school for effective ventilation, so warm layers is the way to go – for pupils and staff.


Congratulations are due to Miss Compton (Year 1 teacher) for having been selected to represent the Wales National Korfball team at the European B Championships in Poland.  She leaves for Poland tomorrow morning and their first match is on Monday.  We wish her the very best of luck for the tournament! 



Thank you so much to those of you who have shared photos of your children donating to Food Banks this week.  Please keep the photos coming – I love them!  There’s no deadline for giving – Harvest week may have ended but the need for Food Banks hasn’t, and I’m so proud when I see Lakeside families donating in this way.  Please see our Harvest Assembly video by Year 6:


Covid Update

On Wednesday, the Welsh Government announced that all schools in Cardiff and the Vale are now in high Covid alert level as community infection rates rise.  This means we remain vigilant in school, with staff wearing masks in communal areas and continue to carry out Lateral Flow Tests at least twice weekly.  Pupils are regularly reminded to wash hands and our doors and windows are open as much as possible. Children remain in their year groups for all activities, including break and lunch times.  The high alert status is likely to continue at least until the October Half Term break. Please remain vigilant when looking out for symptoms in your children and taking them for PCR tests when needed. We continue to send out ‘Warn and Inform’ letters when positive cases are identified.  Thank you to parents for wearing masks on the school gates and as you come on site to collect your children.  We really appreciate everyone helping to keep us all safe.


Next Friday, 8th October is ‘Wear Yellow for World Mental Health’ Day.  Pupils and staff are invited to wear as much yellow as possible to school on this day.  We will be collecting money on the school gates to raise funds for Bronwen’s Wish, a cause very close to our hearts here in Lakeside. 


WOW Walk to school challenge

Cardiff Council have proposed walking and cycling routes for each area of the city and have asked us to share route information with local families for comment.  The information is attached and consists of a map and questions about the route – mostly yes/no answers with room for short comments.


Nasal Flu immunisation

You will have received a Parentmail earlier this week regarding the annual flu immunisation program which will take place on Tuesday October 12th.  Please complete the consent required as soon as possible.  There has to be a completed form for every child even if you do not wish to take up the offer of the vaccine.  Thank you.



Saturday 2nd October is Gandhi’s birthday and Year 6 have made a short video telling his story.  You can watch the video here or via the school website – Children > Lakeside Videos > Gandhi.


Year 6 – Applications to High School

A reminder that the application process for High School places opened this week and your child should have brought home a leaflet explaining the process.  Please email the main office if you haven’t received a leaflet.


After school Clubs

Lakeside has always enjoyed offering a range of after-school clubs, and I know that staff and children have certainly missed them during the past twelve months.  Now that we have settled into the new school year, we are looking at enrichment activities such as trips, after-school clubs and school visits. I should have some information for you next week to confirm what we are able to safely accommodate in terms of clubs and for which year groups.


Nut Allergies

Allergies: please do not send your child(ren) into school with any food that contains nuts as we have a number of pupils and staff who have allergies.  These include muesli bars, some chocolate spreads (e.g. Nutella) and some cakes.  Please check the ingredients on food you are unsure about.  Unfortunately, if your child does bring food containing nuts into school we will not be able to let them eat it.  Thank you.


Upcoming Events


  • Tuesday 12th October - Flu Jabs
  • Friday 15th October – Shwmae Day – wear red to school to celebrate the Welsh language
  • Friday 22nd October - Spooks & Sparkles Dress Up Day.  We know how much the children used to love to dress up for our Spooks & Sparkles Disco, so like last year, we are inviting pupils and staff to wear their best spooky or sparkly outfits on the last day of the Half Term. 
  • Half Term – Monday 25th – Friday 29th October



  • Monday 1st November – INSET Day
  • Around Thursday 4th November – Hindu Festival of Diwali
  • Wednesday 10th November - individual photo day
  • w/c Monday 15th – 19th November – Anti-bullying Week
  • Thursday 11th November – Remembrance Day
  • 29th  Nov to 6th Dec – Jewish Festival of Hanukah



  • Friday 10th December – Christmas Jumper Day



  • Cycling proficiency Year 5 – w/c 24 January 2022


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
