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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 08.10.2021

Parentmail 8.10.21


Dear Parents/Carers,


‘Wear Yellow for World Mental Health’ Day

There was a fabulous atmosphere on the gate today as the children came into school dressed in yellow and to the music of ‘Walking on Sunshine’. Thank you all so much for your generous donations to our wishing well for Bronwen’s Wish Charity. The children had a fab day, sharing happy thoughts and completing some lovely activities around mental health, alongside their usual learning.

We raised a total of £382 (with still some to count).


Virtual Parents’ Consultations – for Reception to Year 6

These will take place during the week commencing 18th October and will be online via video call.  Similar to many schools, the consultations will be facilitated by SchoolCloud, which makes the process of registering and accessing very straightforward.  You will have had a separate email with instructions.  Sessions will be limited to ten minutes with your child’s class teacher.  Your child will be given some pieces of work to bring home with him/her prior to your consultation to share with you and that the teacher will refer to during your conversation.  Please let us know if you have any difficulties booking an appointment.


Shwmae Day

Next Friday is another dressing up day!  This time in red, as we mark Shwmae (How’s it going) Day.  In a video that will be available from Monday, you will see why we are celebrating.  There’s a poster competition, a ‘guess the number of sweets in the jar’ competition and we’re challenging parents to speak Welsh and share a short video of this with us (  Pupils and staff are invited to wear anything red next Friday to join in. Please note, there is no donation needed for this.


Swimming Lessons

I realise that for two years we have missed out on swimming lessons due to Covid restrictions. I am currently engaging with a few leisure facilities to see what we can do to catch up the year groups that have missed out.  I will be in touch as soon as I have further information on this.


Home Learning and Isolation

Below is an updated Home Learning grid that details how you can access Home Learning if your child is isolating at home but still feeling well. Please note that we do not expect any child that is feeling poorly to access home learning.



Nursery & Reception

Year 1 & 2

Year 3 & 4

Year 5 & 6


Every week a home planner will be posted on the website with suggested activities.


Every week, suggested Literacy, Numeracy and CfL (Context for Learning) activities will be posted on the website.

Work can be set on Seesaw for individual children if requested (via a message on Seesaw).

Every week a home planner will be posted on the Google Classroom stream. 

Every day, activities will be posted on Google Classroom for the children to access and complete. 

Where to find the work the suggested activities for the week:


School website

Click on:

Children/ Class Pages

Scroll down and click on the year group.

There will be a link at the top for the work that has been set.

School website

Click on:

Children/ Class Pages

Scroll down and click on the year group.

There will be a link at the top for the work that has been set.

Google Classroom

Your child will need to log into their Hwb account:

Click on the stream

Click on the link for the planner.

Google Classroom

Your child will need to log into their Hwb account.

Then log into their Google Classroom and click on the Classwork tab, just as they do when they’re in school.

Click on the activity they would like to complete (on paper).  


In KS2, children need to know their Hwb account details to log into Google Classroom. They are used to logging in using their Hwb account in school, but if you have any problems, please contact the class teacher.


Nasal Flu immunisation

A final reminder to please complete the consent for the flu immunisation for your child(ren), even if you do not wish to take up the offer of the vaccine.  The immunisations take place at school on Tuesday (October 12th).



We have been advised that there has been some potentially dangerous parking during drop off and pick up times where children have been unable to walk safely on the pavements on the roads near to the school. Please remember to park safely, particularly at this busy time of day. Thank you


Nut Allergies

Allergies: please do not send your child(ren) into school with any food that contains nuts as we have a number of pupils and staff who have allergies.  These include muesli bars, some chocolate spreads (e.g. Nutella) and some cakes.  Please check the ingredients on food you are unsure about.  Unfortunately, if your child does bring food containing nuts into school we will not be able to let them eat it.  Thank you.


Upcoming Events


  • Tuesday 12th October - Nasal Flu immunisations
  • Friday 15th October – Shwmae Day – wear red to school to celebrate the Welsh language
  • Friday 22nd October - Spooks & Sparkles Dress Up Day.  We know how much the children used to love to dress up for our Spooks & Sparkles Disco, so like last year, we are inviting pupils and staff to wear their best spooky or sparkly outfits on the last day of the Half Term. 
  • Half Term – Monday 25th – Friday 29th October



  • Monday 1st November – INSET Day
  • Thursday 4th November – Hindu Festival of Diwali
  • Monday 8th November – Diwali Dance and Art day (Reception, year 1, year 2)
  • Wednesday 10th November - individual photo day
  • w/c Monday 15th – 19th November – Anti-bullying Week
  • Thursday 11th November – Remembrance Day
  • 29th  Nov to 6th Dec – Jewish Festival of Hanukah



  • Friday 10th December – Christmas Jumper Day
  • Friday 17th December – Last day of term



  • Cycling proficiency Year 5 – w/c 24 January 2022


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
