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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 10.12.21

Parentmail 10.12.21


Dear Parents/Carers,


What a lovely, Christmassy week we’ve had!  We completed filming on the Lakeside Christmas Concert video then skipped into school this morning to the lovely sound of our Lakeside Choir singing outside.  Thank you to the choir – it was lovely to hear them singing Christmas songs today.  The school was full of colour with everyone in their wonderful Christmas jumpers.  Thank you for your generosity to Save the Children: we have raised £222!


Christmas Concert Video

We plan to make the video available on Tuesday next week.  The link and password will be sent out to you on Parentmail.  The children have had great fun rehearsing, dressing up and making the video and we hope that you enjoy it.  I know I don’t have to remind you that access to the video is private and for use by Lakeside families only.  Please do not share any part of the video on websites or social media.  Thank you.


PTA Virtual Pantomime

In place of the usual school Christmas Pantomime, the PTA have organised a Virtual Christmas Pantomime for the children this year, so they can watch it in classes – thank you PTA!  Bigfoot Panto Trailer 2021 - Cinderella - YouTube


Look out for a PTA update in the Dragonflyer next week, on all the lovely things they’ve been buying for children to enjoy at play times.


Covid Update

Thank you so much for your vigilance and commitment to safety since the beginning of term.  Unfortunately, the news and advice remains the same: we have a number of positive cases in school and we need to continue to be vigilant in our awareness of symptoms, mask-wearing, social distancing and cleaning.  We are advised that if your child is symptomatic, they will need a PCR test, not a lateral flow test.


Supply cover for absent staff continues to be very limited and often unavailable.  Thanks again to part-time staff and cover staff for stepping in, which has meant that we are still able to open all year groups fully.  We wish our staff who are isolating or unwell a speedy recovery.


Cycling Proficiency

Year 5 pupils will receive their cycling proficiency training in the week starting January 24th.  Here are a few things that the Cycling Proficiency training team have requested in advance:

  • Pupils must be able to ride a bike, as the training is in proficiency, not cycling
  • The bike to be used for training must be in good working order
  • The bike to be used for training must be brought to school on the day of the training
  • Pupils will need to bring a bike lock with them too, in order to secure the bikes
  • Pupils undertaking training must wear a cycling helmet



Upcoming Events



  • Friday 17th December – Last day of term and PTA Virtual Pantomime


January 2022

  • Tuesday 4th Jan – Return to school
  • W/C 24 January - Cycling proficiency Year 5
  • Friday 28th JanINSET Day



  • 7-18 February - Year 4 Swimming



  • 28 March to 8 April - Year 5 Swimming



  • 13 - 24 June Year 3 Swimming



Below are the rest of the INSET dates for this year:

Friday 28th Jan – INSET Day

Monday 6th June 2022 - Queen’s Platinum Jubilee (Bank Holiday for schools)

Tuesday 7th June 2022 - INSET Day


Break up for summer holidays – Friday 22nd July 2022


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
