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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 11.02.22

Dear Parents/Carers,


Key Stage 2 swimming lessons resumed this week for Year 4, following the pandemic. We received an email on Wednesday from Splash Central, who are providing the swimming training, saying: I just wanted to send a quick email to say that the children that we have in this week for swimming are fantastic! They are well mannered, well behaved and excited to learn in the pool. They are a credit to the school. I hope that they are enjoying themselves as much as we are enjoying having them. So, well done and thank you Year 4! Year 5 swimming takes place next month and Year 3 in June.


We marked Internet Safety Day on Tuesday, with children enjoying games and activities connected to staying safe online. Activities included designing posters and writing songs, raps and sketches. South Wales Police Cybercrime officers visited school and talked to Key Stage 2 children about:

  • Safe and respectful behaviour online
  • Using strong and secure passwords
  • Not communicating with strangers online

If you’d like to know more about internet safety here’s a link to further information



The school uses Parentpay for all items where payment/consent is required by the school. This includes school trips, book bags, etc., as well as school dinners. If you have not registered for Parentpay, your child will bring home the login details needed (Morning Nursery will bring their forms home on Monday). Please can you use the login details to set up an account so that you can access activities taking place in your child’s year group. Thank you.


Welsh Week Monday 28th Feb to Friday 4th March

Children are invited to dress up in Welsh costume on Tuesday 1st March, St David’s Day. Throughout the week children will be taking part in a range of Welsh activities and events. Look out for details of this year’s home task for budding chefs… More information to follow next week.


World Book Day Thursday 3rd March

This year we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March. We would like each child to bring their favourite book to school on that day. Each child will receive a £1 book token. We look forward to sharing your child’s favourite book. Thank you.


Have a good weekend.


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell




Upcoming events


February 2022

  • Monday 7th-18th Feb – Year 4 Swimming
  • Monday 21st Feb – Saturday March 5th – Fair Trade Fortnight
  • Monday 28th Feb to Friday 4th March – Welsh Week, incorporating St David’s Day and Year Group Eisteddfods


March 2022

  • Tuesday March 1st – St David’s Day & Pancake Day
  • Thursday March 3rd – World Book Day
  • Friday 11th – Sat 19th March – British Science Week
  • Friday 18th March – Comic Relief Day
  • Sunday March 27th – Mother’s Day
  • Monday 28th March – 8th April - Year 5 Swimming


April 2022

  • Sat 2nd April – Sun 1st May – Ramadan (exact dates TBC)


May 2022

  • Monday 23rd May – Class group photos


June 2022

  • Mon 13th – 24th June – Year 3 Swimming
  • Sun 19th June – Father’s Day



  • Break up for Spring Half Term on Friday 18th Feb (return Monday 28th Feb)
  • Break up for Easter Holiday on Friday 8th April (return Monday 25th April)
  • Early May Bank Holiday – Monday 2nd May
  • Break up for Summer Half Term on Friday 27th May
  • Bank Holiday Monday 6th June
  • INSET DAY - Tuesday 7th June
  • Return to school for pupils Wednesday 8th June
  • Pupils break up for Summer Holiday on Thursday 21st July
  • INSET DAY – Friday 22nd July


Term dates 2022-23

Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th September are INSET DAYS

Pupils return to school on Wednesday 7th September

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
