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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 11.6.21

Dear Parents/Carers,

A short Parentmail today, to welcome everyone back after the Half Term break. The weather has been very kind to us, especially for the remaining Sports Days and using the field at break times.

Health and Wellbeing Fortnight

We’ve had a wonderful two weeks either side of the Half Term break, with children enjoying wellbeing and mindfulness activities and taking part in very successful Sports Days.


Safety in school

A reminder that with sunny weather becoming more frequent (at last!) children need to come to school with sun cream already applied, bring plenty of soft drinks to last the day and wear sun hats (labelled with the child’s name, please).


We’re all awaiting any news of a lowering of Covid restrictions, though it’s hard to know when this will actually happen. After all this time, it’s difficult to stick to rules and guidelines but it’s still really important that we abide by the 2m social distancing rule and adults wear masks at all times.


Covid Symptoms

A reminder of the extended Covid symptoms information from Test, Trace, Protect Wales. The three main symptoms remain the same (NEW, PERSISTENT COUGH, FEVER, LOSS OF TASTE/SMELL) and require a PCR test and isolation of the sufferer and household until a negative test is received. The extended symptoms do not require either the sufferer or their household to isolate, but a test is recommended to rule out Covid if any of the symptoms are present. The ‘extended symptoms’ are: FATIGUE, ACHES & PAINS, SORE THROAT, HEADACHE, RUNNY NOSE, NAUSEA, VOMITING or DIARRHOEA. If a positive test result is received the usual rules apply regarding isolation of sufferer and members of their household.

Term dates and Insets Days

  • The last day of term is Tuesday 20th July
  • The new school year starts again for pupils on 6th September 2021

Best wishes and have a lovely weekend,

Rachel Mitchell

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
