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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 12.11.21

Parentmail 12.11.21


Dear Parents/Carers,


It’s been a blustery day today, as Winnie the Pooh might say, but it’s supposed to improve tomorrow.  Thank you to all of you who bought poppies on the gate on Remembrance Day yesterday.  We were very proud of our Year 6 pupils, who sold poppies and recited In Flanders Fields outside school. Key Stage 2 came to a standstill at 11am and the children did us proud, standing respectfully and quietly, remembering the fallen.  Thank you Year 6.


Remembrance 2021

Year 6 visited Cardiff Castle on Monday for a visit to learn about children’s experiences in the Second World War.  They dressed up as evacuees and visited an air raid shelter.  While they were at the castle, they took their opportunity to pay tribute to the fallen from all wars and have put together an assembly marking Remembrance 2021.  You can watch this assembly via this link  using the password Poppy21.  (Please note that the video is for private viewing only and is not to be shared outside the Lakeside Family.  Thank you).


Diwali Workshops

Foundation Phase enjoyed some lovely workshops today with Indian Dancing and lantern-painting as part of marking Diwali.  Please see the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Twitter feeds for some lovely photos.


Children in Need Friday 19th November

Children and staff are invited to wear sporty clothes to come to school on Children in Need Day.  Donations will be collected on the gate. 


Flu Vaccination

For those children who missed their flu vaccine in school, the school nursing team have arranged a catch-up nasal spray flu vaccination clinic on Saturday the 20th of November at the Bayside Mass Vaccination Centre, Olympian Drive, Cardiff CF11 0JS.  Please telephone the team on 07976 729307 or 07969 732790 to arrange an appointment.  Other dates and venues are also available.


PACT meeting

Please find attached a flyer for a Partners and Communities Together meeting to be held at Christ Church Parish Hall, Lake Road North on Thursday 18th November at 6pm.


****Road Safety outside school****

We urge families to use the pavements outside school during drop-off and collection and not to walk in the road.  Although the road is closed to general traffic at certain times, local residents are exempt and may use the road during these times.  It is essential for your safety, therefore, that you do not walk on the road, even when there is no traffic.  It is also vital that children learn that the only safe place to walk is on the pavement, as most roads are busy and dangerous.  Thank you.



The PTA’s AGM will be held on Monday 29th November via Zoom.  Joining details will be made available nearer the time.


County Orchestra - Music Service information for Primary School pupils

Cardiff County and Vale of Glamorgan Foundation Orchestra are opening invitations to new members.

This is an exciting opportunity for any pupils who play violin, viola, cello, double bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, trumpet, cornet, horn, trombone or percussion.


The Cardiff County and Vale of Glamorgan Foundation Orchestra has over 120 members aged 7-12. Usually auditions are held to meet new members, but this year as things are a little different, young musicians are invited to come along and spend an evening with the orchestra providing pupils with the chance to experience playing with the orchestra first hand with the chance to join regularly.


Organisers are appealing to players of orchestral instruments, currently in Year 6 or below and approaching grade 1 standard or beyond. Currently, the orchestra have members playing from grade 1 to grade 8 and al of the music is specially arranged by conductor Professor Gary Beauchamp, to suit the experience of the players.


Rehearsals take place every Thursday evening at Whitchurch High School - Lower School site from 5.45-7.15pm. In the first half of the evening, each instrumental group has tuition from a specialist tutor, before playing together in the full orchestra with the conductor for the second half of the evening.


For any queries or those who are interested should contact 


Upcoming Events



  • w/c 15th-19th November Anti-bullying week
  • Friday 19th - Children in Need – wear sporty kit and bring a donation
  • Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd November: Anti-Bullying VR workshops for all of Key Stage 2 postponed from 15th & 16th
  • Monday 29th November – Christingle celebration
  • 29th  Nov to 6th Dec – Jewish Festival of Hanukkah



  • Friday 10th December – Christmas Jumper Day £1 Donation for Save the Children
  • Friday 17th December – Last day of term



  • W/C 24 January - Cycling proficiency Year 5
  • 7-18 February - Year 4 Swimming
  • 28 March to 8 April - Year 5 Swimming
  • 13 - 24 June Year 3 Swimming



Below are the rest of the INSET dates for this year:

Friday 28th Jan – INSET Day

Monday 6th June 2022 - Queen’s Platinum Jubilee (Bank Holiday for schools)

Tuesday 7th June 2022 - INSET Day


Break up for summer holidays – Friday 22nd July 2022


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
