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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 12.3.21

Dear Parents / Carers,

We are looking forward to having our key stage 2 children back with us next week and I know Mr Carey has been busy stocking up on soap, hand-gel and all the new essentials that Covid has brought us. If you have borrowed a Chromebook for Home Learning, please could send it in with your child on Monday 15th March. All Chromebooks will be needed for lessons from the 15th March onwards. Please send lunch, snack and a bottle of water in with your child as there is no catering on site at the moment. Thank you.


It’s been a bit of a wet and windy week out there; I thank you for your patience (and umbrellas and wellies!) on the gate as we have to comply with our Covid regulations in terms of the staggered start times.

Start times reminder for KS2:


8.45am Year 6 3.00pm

8.55am Year 3 3.10pm

9.05am Year 4 3.20pm

9.15am Year 5 3.30pm

Please help us by adhering to these times and remembering to wear a mask or face covering whilst waiting outside the school gate.

Dragonflies provision will be resuming after the Easter break.

Drains and mud

FP parents and pupils will yet again have noticed that with rain comes lots of mud and blocked drains, but good news – work on unblocking the drains is planned to take place over the Easter break, so we hope that this will be improved by the start of the Summer Term.

Working Together Wednesday

Thank you to those of you who have already taken part in our Science Working Together Wednesday. I have already seen some excellent experiment videos made by pupils and look forward to seeing more after the weekend. Please remember to send me in any pictures and videos of work you and your child(ren) have done.

‘Science’ was our last WTW, as all pupils will be back to face-to-face learning from next week onwards. We hope that you’ve enjoyed the different activities we offered every week. The resources and videos will remain on the website, so that you can still access them in the future.


Not content with all the wonderful trails they provided for all our Working Together Wednesdays, the PTA are devising another fantastic activity – this time for the Easter holidays. See the flyer attached and contact the PTA if you would like to take part. Thank you PTA and Lakeside Families.


There are 3 INSET days left this academic year (2020 / 21), as follows:

  • FRIDAY 26th MARCH (and break up for Easter holidays) Please book your Parent Consultation slot via Parentmail
  • THURSDAY 6th May - the nursery will be closed for polling
  • FRIDAY 28th MAY (and break up for half term)
  • MONDAY 7th JUNE is an INSET DAY (Return to school after the half term break is therefore on Tuesday 8th June)
  • We finish for the summer holidays on Tuesday 20th July

September 2021 INSET days


Children return to school, therefore, on MONDAY 6th SEPTEMBER 2021

Term dates for the next academic year are attached.

Play Services Survey

The Cardiff Council Children’s play services are conducting a survey with children in Cardiff to find out what play opportunities they have and how the lockdown period has effected those opportunities. The survey is part of the welsh governments Play Sufficiency Assessment, which will support Children’s play across all councils in wales and help to guide the decision makers to take a play friendly approach to decisions. Please fill in the survey below if you would like to take part:

As restrictions are beginning to lift across Wales, we look forward to stretching our walks a little further into our local area and maybe even book in a trip to the hairdressers or barbers!

Best wishes and have a safe weekend,

Rachel Mitchell


Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
