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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 12.5.23


Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you to everyone who was involved in last Friday’s PTA Cake Sale, especially to Year 6 and Reception families, who provided the cakes.  Thank you also to all of you who supported the sale.  It’s always very popular and the PTA are delighted to share that they raised a wonderful £394!  Thank you PTA, all helpers and Lakeside families!


Next Friday – 19th May – World Bee Day

We will be enjoying some Outdoor Learning activities next Friday, 19th May, to mark World Bee Day.  This will be a non-uniform day and pupils and staff are invited to come to school dressed in bee or bright colours, or anything bee-related.


PTA Seedling Sale – Friday (12th)

We received some wonderful donations for the PTA Seedling Sale and the stall was very popular at the end of the school day.  Thank you to all who grew and donated plants, and to all who came and bought something.  Thanks – as always – to our wonderful PTA for organising this.


Preparing for summer

Now that the weather is warming up please remember to protect children with sun cream, sun hats, etc., and make sure that they bring their water bottles each day.  There are a number of water stations throughout the school for children to refill their bottles.  Thank you.


Health & Safety on the FP Playground

To ensure the safety of our children, please can we kindly remind parents/carers not to allow them to use the FP playground equipment before/after school or Nursery. 


Pupil Leadership Team Competition

The Head Boy, Head Girl and Deputies launched a competition for pupils from Reception to Year 6 today.  It is to design a poster to encourage children to use Three Before Me.  Your children know all about Three Before Me – it’s what pupils are asked to do when they need help: before asking the teacher, stop and think, ask a friend, or look in a book/on the internet.  These are characteristics of two of our Lakeside Learners, Resourceful Reg and Independent Indie. 


The poster needs to be eye-catching, easy to read and clear.  Three Before Me must be spelled out like this (no abbreviations).  The winning poster will be used throughout the school.


Entries can be done individually, in pairs or in threes.  No more than three in a group please.  They can be digital or on paper.  Paper posters can be placed in the competition box (KS2) or given to the class teacher (FP).  Digital entries can be emailed to  Thank you.


School Council fundraiser for Guide Dogs – Wednesday 24th May

You may remember that we were recently visited by two guide dogs along with the Lord Mayor.  The School Council is organising some activities to raise money to donate to the charity Guide Dogs for the Blind, which is the Mayor’s chosen charity.  There will be a collection bucket on the gate on the morning of Wednesday 24th May, then later in the day all pupils will have an opportunity to take part in short competitions (e.g. name the toy dog, guess the number of sweets) with the chance of winning a prize.  We look forward to raising money for this very worthy charity.


Year 4 Code Club: Tuesdays from 5th June 3.30-4.15pm

Parents/carers of Year 4 will soon receive a form to sign their child up to Code Club which will be run by Mrs Vanstone (Year 5 teacher).  Code Club teaches children to use computers to create games, animations and websites.  If your year 4 child wishes to join Code Club, please complete and return the forms by Friday, 19th May.  Thank you.


Lost Property

Please find attached photos of some recent lost property.  If you recognise any of the items, please contact school and we will give them to your child.  Thank you.


Wishing you all a pleasant weekend,


Rachel Mitchell, Headteacher


DATES: 2022-2023 academic year

May 2023

Wednesday 17th May – Y3 visit to Porthkerry Park

Monday 22nd May - Class photos

Wednesday 24th May - School Council fundraiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind

Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June – Half Term break


June 2023

Monday 5th June – INSET DAY

Monday 12th June - Year 5 Cycling Proficiency Week 1 – one Year 5 class

Monday 19th June – Year 2 to Porthkerry Park

Friday 23rd June – Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Sports Day (all morning – NIAC)

Monday 26th June – Year 5 Cycling Proficiency Week 2 – the other Year 5 class


July 2023

Wednesday 5th July – Years 3 to 6 Sports Day (all morning – NIAC)

Friday 7th July - PTA Summer Fair 3.15pm onwards

Friday 14th July – Nursery Sports Day: 9.30am and 2pm

Friday 21st July – last day of 2022-23 academic year for pupils

Monday 24th July – INSET DAY



Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
