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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 13-11-2020

Dear Parents / Carers,

Remembrance Day

Thank you to all who bought poppies this week, and we hope you enjoyed the Year 6 Remembrance Day Assembly Video, available here, if you missed it:

Children in Need

Thank you for all your donations and for dressing your children up as their real-life heroes.  As always, the children loved being part of this and we had some great heroes, including medics, emergency workers and even Florence Nightingale made an appearance!  Remember if you’d like to donate, please do so via ParentPay.

Anti-Bullying Week – next week from 16th November

A quick reminder that to mark Anti-Bullying week, pupils have been encouraged to wear odd socks on Monday 16th November.  We apologise for the effect this may have on your laundry!

Masks and Social Distancing on school premises

We have received a very detailed update from County on Covid Health & Safety.  This requires us to remind all parents/carers to maintain a 2m distance from other adults and school staff.  We are now also strongly requesting that everyone who comes onto school grounds wears a medical mask (a blue one).   This includes parents/carers who are collecting children from school.  These safeguards are vital to keep staff safe.  I’m always proud of how solid and proactive a team the Lakeside Family is and I know that you will join us in our efforts to keep everyone safe and the school open.

When collecting your child from Foundation Phase, please can we ask that you leave the school grounds immediately and not congregate on the playground.  Not only will this keep you safe, but will also limit the temptation for children to play on the outdoor equipment, which is wiped down between uses by different year group pods, and needs to be kept clean.


Inset Day: there will be a further inset day on Monday 30 November for staff training and development;

Travel cameras:  signage is now in place for the cameras.  Please ensure you do not drive past the school during 8.30 – 9.30am and 3-4pm.


Best wishes to all who are celebrating Diwali this weekend.  We hope that you have a safe and happy  time.

Thank you for all your support.

Best wishes,

Rachel Mitchell


Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
