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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 13 Jan 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

Happy New Year to all of you, even though it’s a very wet one! Thank you for sending children to school in suitable clothing for the time of year. This morning we were treated to a beautiful rainbow that appeared above the school and seemed to end in the Key Stage 2 Hall. It just shows that even on the dullest days, there is always something bright to look at.

It’s been a busy first week back with a visit from some dinosaurs to Reception children on Wednesday to launch their Dangerous Dinosaurs Learning Project. Not only were there dinosaurs in the Hall, but there were some on the roof too, according to the children, though this may have been down to the thunderstorm that took place at exactly the right time.

Year 1 pupils had a fun morning on Friday as they learned to do the Conga dance for a carnival celebration which is the launch of their Rio de Vida Learning Project all about Brazil.

Kitchen back up and running!

Good news. The roof leak in the kitchen has been temporarily repaired so school meal choices and provision will be as normal next week, starting Monday. Thank you for your flexibility this week.


PTA News

Many of you will have spotted new markings in the Nursery outdoor area – a roadway with zebra crossings, parking spaces and a shop, plus a brightly-coloured hopscotch game. Many thanks to the PTA for funding this – the children and staff are delighted with it.


Protecting children from winter illnesses

In response to the current rises in circulation of Covid, flu and scarlet fever illnesses, we have received a link from County to Public Health Wales information about winter illnesses. The main advice is to keep children home from school if they are unwell.

Back to school advice for parents in Wales to help protect against winter illnesses - Public Health Wales (

Pupils bringing medicines to school

If your child has prescription medicine that they need to take during school hours, please can you fill in the appropriate medical form at the school office. Pupils will need to give the medication to their teacher as soon as they arrive in class. The teacher will arrange for it to be put somewhere safe until it needs to be taken. Unfortunately, no other medicines can be brought to school by pupils. If your child needs to take non-prescribed medicine during the school day, such as paracetamol, you are welcome to come into school to administer it yourself.


Lakeside Citizens Handwashing poster competition

The competition has now closed and we are delighted to have received many great entries. The Lakeside Citizens will start judging the competition shortly and the winners will be announced once the judging has been completed.


Pupil Leadership Team School Mascot competition

The closing date for this competition is next Thursday - 19th January. In today’s assembly, the team shared some of the entries already received, to encourage anyone who hasn’t entered to do so soon. The entries will be judged at the end of next week.


Year 3 swimming

Year 3 Swimming Lessons will take place every day across two weeks, starting on Monday 6th March and ending Friday 17th March. The lessons will be at Splash Central. Details of arrangements will be sent to parents closer to the time.


Lost Property

Please find attached some pictures of lost property we have in school at the moment. We would like to reunite the items with their owners, so please have a look and if you recognise anything, send a note in to Mrs Ullah and she will give the item(s) to your child on Thursdays and Fridays.


Wishing you all a pleasant weekend,


Rachel Mitchell, Headteacher


DATES: 2022-2023 academic year

January 2023

Sunday 22nd January – Chinese New Year


February 2023

Thursday 2nd February – NSPCC Number Day

Friday 3rd February – INSET DAY

Tuesday 7th February – Safer Internet Day

Monday 20th February to Friday 24th February – Half Term break


March 2023

Wednesday 1st March – St David’s Day

Thursday 2nd March – World Book Day

6th – 17th March – Year 3 Swimming Lessons fortnight

10th-19th March – British Science Week

Friday 17th March – Red Nose Day

Wednesday 22nd March – Ramadan begins (exact dates TBC)

Friday 31st March – break up for Easter


April 2023


Sunday 9th April – Easter Day

Monday 17th April – back to school

Friday 21st to Saturday 22nd April – Eid ul-Fitr (exact dates TBC)


May 2023

Monday 1st May – BANK HOLIDAY

Monday 8th May – BANK HOLIDAY for Coronation

Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June – Half Term break


June 2023

Monday 5th June – INSET DAY


July 2023

Monday 24th July – last day of term



Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
