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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 15.3.24

Dear Parents/Carers,

I’m delighted to announce that last week’s PTA Cake Sale raised an excellent £292.90 – thank you to the PTA for organising the event, all who donated cakes, all the helpers, and of course to all of you who bought cakes!

Our Comic Relief collection and Year 5 charity sale raised an amazing £785.61! Staff and children enjoyed a fab day at school with the Year 5 charity sale taking place in the morning and a very enthusiastic netball match in the afternoon between staff and pupils! Huge thanks to our netball Mums for organising the event.

Thank you for your continuing generosity and in advance for any food donations you can make for the Food Bank at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Gabalfa.  Items will be collected at the main gate from Monday to Thursday mornings next week.  The church has let us know that they have run out of tinned vegetables (sweetcorn, carrots, peas), tinned meat/meat dishes (corned beef, stewed meat, meat curry, meatballs), rice, squash, coffee, and instant noodles.

All donations of non-perishable items (food, toiletries, cleaning products, etc.) will be most gratefully received, and we’re hoping to get a few Easter eggs donated too.  Thank you.


Our school inspection is taking place next week. There is a meeting for parents / carers on Monday 18th March at 3-45 in the Big Hall. Please book in to use our creche facility if you would like to attend.


Universal Free School Meals

We have received information from Education Catering confirming the rollout of Universal Free School Meals for pupils in Years 5 and 6 as follows:

  • Year 5 pupils will receive UPFSM from Monday 8th April, 2024
  • Year 6 pupils will receive UPFSM from Monday 3rd June, 2024


Parent/Carer Consultations with teachers

  • Monday 15th April - Parent-Teacher consultations for parents/carers of pupils in Class 1E only will take place throughout the day
  • Wednesday 17th April – Parent/Carer consultations (all classes except 1E) from 3.40pm
  • Thursday 18th April – Parent/Carer consultations (all classes except 1E) from 3.40pm

The booking window will open Tuesday 19 March 2024 at 18.00.

Year 5 Sharing Session

It was lovely to welcome Year 5 families to share their children’s work over the past term, especially the folk dancing demonstrations – thanks to Year 5 pupils and staff for the event.


School Choir

Well done to the school choir for their concert on Thursday night – another successful and enjoyable event! 


World Chess Union

Good luck to all pupils who are playing in the World Chess Union’s school teams championship tomorrow (16th March) – we hope you have a great day!


Lost Property

We have changed the photos in the lost property section of the school web site, so please check if your child has lost something.  Contact the school if you recognise anything, and please can we remind parents/carers to label clothes and any other items with their child’s name.  Thank you very much. 

Link to Lost Property: 

Best wishes,

Rachel Mitchell, Headteacher

March 2024

  • 18th – 22nd March - INSPECTION WEEK
  • 18th – 22nd March - YEAR 3 SWIMMING WEEK 2
  • Monday 18th March – Parent/Carer meeting with inspectors 3.45-4.45pm Big Hall; Creche in Small Hall – pre-booked by parents
  • Tuesday 19th March – Nursery Easter Bonnet parades: 10.45am & 2.30pm
  • Thursday 21st March – Year 4 visit to Caerphilly Castle
  • Thursday 21st March - Delivery of Food Bank donations to church
  • Friday 22nd March – Break up for Easter Holiday


April 2024

  • Tuesday 16th April – Year 2 Sharing Session 2.30pm
  • Wednesday 17th April – Parent/Carer consultations (all classes except 1E) from 3.40pm
  • Thursday 18th April – Parent/Carer consultations (all classes except 1E) from 3.40pm
  • Thursday 18th April – Year 4 Sharing Session 9.30pm
  • Friday 19th April – World Bee Day at Lakeside
  • Wednesday 24th April – Reception Parent Sharing Session
  • Monday 29th April – Colorfoto – class and team photos
  • Tuesday 30th April –                Year 6 Sharing Session 9.30am Big Hall


May 2024

June 2024

June 2024

  • Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY
  • Monday 3rd June - Universal Free School Meals begin for pupils in Year 6


July 2024

  • Monday 22nd July – INSET DAY

Term dates

2023-2024 academic year

Break up for Easter

Friday 22nd March, 2024


Easter Break


Monday 25th March, 2024

Friday 5th April, 2024

Return to school

Monday 8th April, 2024



Monday 6th May, 2024


Break up for Half Term

Friday 24th May


Summer Half Term


Monday 27th May, 2024

Friday 31st May, 2024


Monday 3rd June



Last Day of term

Friday 19th July




Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
