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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 15.7.22

Parentmail 15.7.22


Dear Parents/Carers,


Our penultimate week of the year has been another enjoyable, busy and hot one!  We had our Transition Morning on Monday, where all the classes met next year’s teachers and visited their new classrooms.  Some pupils from Year 6 spent the day at Cardiff High School and reported that they’d had a great time.  On Wednesday, Nursery parents were invited to our new Half Acre Wood Garden where their children shared songs with them.  The Nursery children used the Makaton signing system along with their singing.  We finally finished filming our Year 6 Leavers’ video and this will be ready to view next week.


Weather warning

As you are aware, we are receiving warnings of extremely hot weather over the weekend and into next week.  The advice from the local authority is to avoid too much physical activity, find shade where possible and drink plenty of water.  Children should wear loose, light-coloured clothing if possible, and wear hats and sun cream outdoors.  To this end, next week will be a non-school- uniform week.


I’d also like to thank the PTA for putting up their ‘shade’ tents that are now on both playing fields for the children to use.  Children are using them every day and they have been invaluable in keeping everyone cool.


PTA Summer Fayre

As I write, the PTA and Year 6 pupils are setting up for our first Summer Fayre since 2019.  The weather is perfect and we are all looking forward to a great event.  There will be more on this next week, but for now, I’m going to find some homemade cake and have a go at Splash the Minion!  (Mrs M).  A big thank you to our wonderful PTA for organising this fabulous event.


Transition Powerpoints

Each year group has made a Powerpoint presentation to introduce you and your child to their new year group.  You will find all kinds of useful information in these and you can link to them from here:


Reception to Year 1


Year 1 to Year 2


Year 2 to Year 3


Year 3 to Year 4


Year 4 to Year 5


Year 5 to Year 6



Your child will have been given their annual report this week to bring home.  This is a combination of Welsh Government test results for Years 2 to 6, work across the year and teacher observation.  We are delighted with the progress and standard of the learning of our pupils, particularly following the pandemic.


The following link will take you to the Welsh Government website, which has further information on the meanings of certain terms in the report and how to interpret your child’s results.


See you all at the Fayre!


Rachel Mitchell



Upcoming events


July 2022

  • Monday 18th July – rearranged Year 5 trip to Oakwood
  • Tuesday 19th July – Year 6 trip to National Museum
  • Evening of Tuesday 19th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Party – Infinity Trampoline Park



  • Pupils break up for Summer Holiday on Thursday 21st July
  • INSET DAY – Friday 22nd July


Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th September are INSET DAYS

Pupils return to school on Wednesday 7th September

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
