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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 16.6.23

Parentmail 16.6.23

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you for sending your children to school with protective clothes, sun cream and plenty of liquids.  It really has been exceptionally hot this week.  We may have some stormy weather on the weekend but it’s looking warm again next week.

Thank you to all who supported the PTA Children’s Book Sale.  It was very popular – especially the ice pops! – and £214 was raised.  Thanks to the PTA for organising this. 

Cycling Safety

5T have been taking part in their Cycling Proficiency training this week and have done very well.  Just a reminder that all pupils who cycle to/from school need to wear a helmet at all times when cycling, even in the hot weather.  Thank you.


School Dinners on Sports Day

The Reception to Year 2 Sports Day is next Friday, 23rd June.  When ordering lunch for that day PLEASE can parents/carers choose the Grab Bag option only.  This is because the timings of Sports Day do not allow for a staggered lunch time, so all the children will be eating together.  Thank you.


Well done!

  • Some of our cricketers took part in a cricket festival at St Fagan’s Cricket Club and won all four of their matches, with some outstanding play in all aspects of the game by pupils.  Well done Lakeside cricketers!
  • The Pupil Leadership Team judged the Three Before Me competition this week and awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes to the winner and runners-up. 
  • Year 5 pupils who attended Mrs Harries’s Young Lifesavers sessions received their certificates for completing the course.  Well done to all.
  • Good luck to the Lakeside Football players in tomorrow’s Lions Tournament!


Y6 Pupils attending Cardiff High School from September 2023

There will be two Transition Days for Year 6 pupils on Tuesday 4th and Monday 10th July.  Parentmails with copies of the information have been sent out previously.


Year 6 End of Year celebrations

  • The Year 6 Leavers’ Party will take place on Thursday 13th July, 2023 in Buzz Trampoline Park at 6pm (Y6 parents/carers will receive separate information about this)
  • The Year 6 Leavers’ concert will take place on Tuesday 18th July in the main school hall at 9.30am


RSE lessons

RSE (Relationships and Sexuality Education) lessons will be taking place this half term.  The guidelines, content and resources for these lessons will be shared with parents next week so that you can see what the children will be learning about.


Korfball – Wales team

A reminder that Mrs Evans (Year 1 teacher) is representing Wales in the Tri-nations Korfball Tournament at Cardiff City House of Sport (Cardiff City Stadium, Clos Parc Morgannwg, Cardiff CF11 8AW) on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th June.  Entry is free.  The Senior Wales squad, in which Mrs Evans plays, are playing on Saturday 17th at 10.45am and 1.15pm (40-minute games) and on Sunday at 1.30pm and 4.10pm.  There are matches throughout both days between 9.30 and 5pm.  Pob lwc Mrs Evans and the team!


Wishing you all a pleasant weekend,


Rachel Mitchell, Headteacher


DATES: 2022-2023 academic year

June 2023

Monday 19th June – Year 2 to Porthkerry Park

Wednesday 21st June – school choir singing at Wesley Methodist Church, 453 Cowbridge Road East.  Concert starts at 6.30pm

Friday 23rd June – Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Sports Day (all morning – NIAC)

Monday 26th June – Year 5 Cycling Proficiency Week 2 – 5V


July 2023

Tuesday 4th July – Cardiff High Transition Day

Wednesday 5th July – Years 3 to 6 Sports Day (all morning – NIAC)

Thursday 6th July – Reception Curriculum meeting for parents

Friday 7th July - PTA Summer Fair 3.15pm onwards

Monday 10th July – Cardiff High Transition Day

Thursday 13th July – Reception ‘Stay & Play’

Thursday 13th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Party, Buzz Trampoline Park 6pm

Friday 14th July – Nursery Sports Day: 9.30am and 2pm

Friday 14th July – Year 5 trip to Oakwood Theme Park

Tuesday 18th July – Year 6 Leavers’ concert 9.30am

Friday 21st July – last day of 2022-23 academic year for pupils

Monday 24th July – INSET DAY




September 2023

Monday 4th September – INSET DAY

Tuesday 5th September – INSET DAY

Wednesday 6th September – PUPILS RETURN TO SCHOOL


October 2023

Friday 27th October - Break up for half term

Monday 30th October – Friday 3rd November – half term break

Friday 22nd December – Break up for Christmas


Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
