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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 17.09.21

Dear Parents/Carers,


Its been a fab week in Lakeside with lots of learning and good weather. Year 3 completed our first school trip for 18 months with a visit to our local Tesco store as part of their Scrumdiddlyumptious Context for Learning, all about food.  As they left school it was like waving off the QE2 – the children were delighted to be going on a visit and they had a wonderful time.  Feedback from the local community praised the children for their good behaviour and how great it is to see children back out and about.  Thank you to the Year 3 pupils for being such good representatives of the school.


Over the next few weeks, we are exploring other options of school trips and visits in a Covid safe way. When planning a trip or a visit, your year group teachers will be in touch with some information around Covid safety as well as the usual trip information. Please ring and chat to me if you have any worries or concerns around visits so that we can address these in advance. Please remember, also, it is not compulsory to go on a school trip or visit if you are worried.


Medications: if you have had a form to complete for your child’s medication, please complete and return it as soon as possible. Thank you to those who have submitted one already.


Lakeside Learner stickers

You may notice that your child has received a sticker with one of our four Lakeside Learner characters: Resilient Reg, Captain Collaborative, Resourceful Robo and Independent Indie.  A PowerPoint presentation about the Lakeside Learners is available in the Whole School section of the

school website: > Children > Class pages > Whole School or here:

This will explain what each character represents in the children’s learning.


****Emails to school on Thursday (16th)****

We received the following from the council yesterday:

At around 10:10am this morning, the service provided by Microsoft that underpins the council’s email systems stopped delivering externally received emails to council inboxes.  This means that any externally-sent emails sent between 10am and 4.20pm yesterday – Thursday 16th September – won’t have been delivered to staff/school inboxes.  It seems that these emails cannot be retrieved.  If you sent an email into school between these hours, please could you re-send them.  Thank you.


Road Safety outside school

The road outside school is closed to traffic between the hours of 8.30am and 9.30am and then from 3pm to 4pm.  Please note, however, that local residents are exempt from this and their licence plates are on record as being allowed to drive past the school during these times for camera purposes.  We are aware that residents make every effort to avoid doing this, as they know how busy the area can get with school pedestrians, but there will inevitably be times when driving past is unavoidable.  Please, therefore, be aware that even though the road is closed to general traffic, there may still be vehicles passing. 



Covid arrangements

We are continuing with our Covid measures, which include the routines of regularly washing and sanitising hands, using the one-way systems and staggered break- and lunch-times.  Windows and doors are kept open to keep the classrooms and halls well ventilated.


Thank you to parents for wearing masks on the school gates and as you come on site to collect your children. We really appreciate everyone helping to keep us all safe.


A reminder of what the guidance now is: where a pupil displays one or more of the three main symptoms of Covid (a new continuous cough, high temperature, loss of smell or taste), they must isolate at home and arrange a PCR test as soon as possible.  Track and Trace have advised schools that where a pupil tests positive, the whole year group NO LONGER need to isolate.  TTP will advise close contacts and the school of any action they need to take.  


Nut Allergies

Allergies: please do not send your child(ren) into school with any food that contains nuts as we have a number of pupils and staff who have allergies.  These include muesli bars, some chocolate spreads (e.g. Nutella) and some cakes.  Please check the ingredients on food you are unsure about.  Unfortunately, if your child does bring food containing nuts into school we will not be able to let them eat it.  Thank you.


Upcoming Events


  • Harvest celebration: week commencing 27th September: Pupils and families are invited to donate to food banks in larger supermarkets or the Cardiff Food Bank Warehouse at Unit 5, Cardiff Bay Business Centre, Titan Road, Cardiff CF24 5EJ Mondays to Thursdays 9.30-1.30.  Cardiff Food Bank also accept online orders to the above address Mondays to Thursdays 9.30-1.30.  I’d love to see photos of you and your child(ren) donating, please share them with me at  Thank you.



  • Friday 8th October: Wear Yellow for World Mental Health Day.  Pupils and staff are invited to wear as much yellow as possible to school on this day.  We will be collecting money to raise funds for Bronwen’s Wish, a cause very close to our hearts here in Lakeside. 
  • Tuesday 12th October - Flu Jabs (more details to follow)
  • Friday 15th October – Shwmae Day – wear red to school to celebrate the Welsh language
  • Friday 22nd October - Spooks & Sparkles Dress Up Day.  We know how much the children used to love to dress up for our Spooks & Sparkles Disco, so like last year, we are inviting pupils and staff to wear their best spooky or sparkly outfits on the last day of the Half Term. 
  • Half Term – Monday 25th – Friday 29th October



  • Monday 1st November – INSET Day
  • Around Thursday 4th November – Hindu Festival of Diwali
  • Wednesday 10th November - individual photo day
  • w/c Monday 15th – 19th November – Anti-bullying Week
  • Thursday 11th November – Remembrance Day
  • 29 Nov to 6th Dec – Jewish Festival of Hanukah



  • Friday 10th December – Christmas Jumper Day


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell


Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
