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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 18.03.22

Parentmail 18.3.22


Dear Parents/Carers,


Pupils and staff were welcomed to school with music this morning and we saw some wonderful costumes for Red Nose Day. The children always enjoy a whole-school activity. Thank you for joining in and for your continued generosity in donating to Comic Relief - we raised £308. Thank you, Lakeside families.


Non-Uniform Friday – 25th March

This will be a non-uniform day and we will be collecting money on the gate for the Ukraine Disaster Emergency Committee. As part of this day, we will be looking at the UNICEF Rights of the Child, including the right to water, to a safe place to live and the right to education. The PTA is also donating 100% takings from its uniform sale to DEC on the same day (see below for details).


If you or your family have been affected by events reported in the media at the moment, please contact Mrs Mitchell.


PTA Uniform Sale: Friday 25th March from 3.15pm

Happy Spring! Lakeside PTA are holding a uniform sale on Friday 25th March from 3.15pm.

We have lots of navy school trousers and skirts to clear down for 50p each, and branded gear at £1 so please come and stock up. For this event 100% of takings will be donated to the DEC.


Should you have any super condition freshly washed uniforms to donate, please kindly drop them any time Monday to Thursday next week at Reception. Remember any logo'd gear must have the dragonfly pointing upwards to be accepted.


We're delighted restrictions have lifted and we're ‘green-lighted’ for outdoor activities. Please drop us an email at if you can help on the day, or indeed can run any of the future events proposed in last month's Dragonflyer....!!


Thank you all, Lakeside PTA


Guidelines for Parents’ Consultations: 24th, 28th, 29th & 30th March

As previously, Parents’ Consultations will be via online, ten-minute slots which you can book using SchoolCloud for meetings on Thursday 24th March and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 28th-30th March. The SchoolCloud link will go live next week and you will receive an invitation via email to book your consultation date and time.


Instructions on how to use SchoolCloud to do this will also be sent at this time.


Please be mindful that your 10-minute time slot will end automatically and teachers have no control over this. If there is anything in particular you would like to discuss with the class teacher please raise this at the start of your consultation to ensure that there is sufficient time to discuss it.


Please have your phone nearby so that in the unlikely event of any technical issues, the teacher can phone you within your allocated time slot.


Children’s school work will be available to view online via SeeSaw or Google Classroom for you to look at before the consultation. Please reserve any comments or questions on this work for your consultation as teachers won’t have had time to look at online comments or questions during the consultation period.


British Science Week

Children enjoyed experiments presented by Mrs Gamble this week for British Science Week. The theme of the experiments was ‘Superpowers’ and Mrs Gamble showed how to make things invisible, make things fly and use ‘lasers’.


Safer Internet Day Rap video

We made a video with the winning raps from our Safer Internet competition. The video is on the school website or you can link to it here. Enjoy!


New scooter racks

You may have noticed our lovely new scooter racks which are positioned next to the bike racks. We encourage children to walk, cycle or scoot to school and the racks will enable them to leave their scooters in a safe place.


***Important – Choir is cancelled for Monday 21st March, 2022***

This is because the teacher is unavailable as she is in a concert along with some of the choir - Good luck everybody!


Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine.


Best wishes,

Rachel Mitchell



Upcoming events

March 2022

  • Sunday 27th March – Mother’s Day
  • Monday 28th March – 8th April - Year 5 Swimming

April 2022

  • Sat 2nd April – Sun 1st May – Ramadan (exact dates TBC)
  • Thursday 14th April – Sikh festival of Vaisakhi

May 2022

  • Friday 13th – Monday 16th May - Year 6 residential trip
  • Monday 23rd May – Class group photos

June 2022

  • Mon 13th – 24th June – Year 3 Swimming
  • Sun 19th June – Father’s Day
  • Fri 24th – Mon 27th June – Year 5 residential trip

July 2022

  • Thursday 7th – Foundation Phase Sports Day at the National Indoor Athletics Centre at Cardiff Met
  • Friday 8th – Key Stage 2 Sports Day at the National Indoor Athletics Centre at Cardiff Met



  • Break up for Easter Holiday on Friday 8th April (return Monday 25th April)
  • Early May Bank Holiday – Monday 2nd May
  • Break up for Summer Half Term on Friday 27th May
  • Bank Holiday Monday 6th June
  • INSET DAY - Tuesday 7th June
  • Return to school for pupils Wednesday 8th June
  • Pupils break up for Summer Holiday on Thursday 21st July
  • INSET DAY – Friday 22nd July

Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th September are INSET DAYS

Pupils return to school on Wednesday 7th September

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
