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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 19.11.21

Parentmail 19.11.21


Dear Parents/Carers,


Children in Need

We have finished the week with some real magic and sparkle as we took to the dance floor, hall, and playground to strut some strictly dance moves!! Big thank you to you all for making such a fab effort with costumes, and for your generous donations. The total raised was £410!!!  A big thank you also to Mrs Zoe Gamble for taking the children (and staff) through their paces as we danced through the day. An amazing day of high spirits and fun for such a worthy cause.


Anti-bullying Week

Children have been doing some fab work around anti-bullying and friendships this week. Thank you for embracing this important topic with your children. Next Monday and Tuesday will include the rearranged workshops for KS2 using a virtual reality programme.


****Road Safety outside school****

We urge families to use the pavements outside school during drop-off and collection and not to walk in the road.  Although the road is closed to general traffic at certain times, local residents are exempt and may use the road during these times.  It is essential for your safety, therefore, that you do not walk on the road, even when there is no traffic.  It is also vital that children learn that the only safe place to walk is on the pavement, as most roads are busy and dangerous.  Thank you.



The PTA are holding a virtual raffle, where the winning prize is £25 cash towards your child’s school photo. Flyer attached with details!


The PTA’s AGM will be held on Monday 29th November via Zoom.  Joining details will be made available nearer the time.


Upcoming Events



  • Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd November: Anti-Bullying VR workshops for all of Key Stage 2 postponed from 15th & 16th
  • Monday 29th November – Christingle celebration
  • 29th Nov to 6th Dec – Jewish Festival of Hanukkah
  • Monday 29th November 7-00 pm – PTA AGM (to be held virtually)



  • Friday 10th December – Christmas Jumper Day £1 Donation for Save the Children
  • Friday 17th December – Last day of term



  • Tuesday 4th Jan – Return to school
  • Friday 28th JanINSET Day
  • W/C 24 January - Cycling proficiency Year 5
  • 7-18 February - Year 4 Swimming
  • 28 March to 8 April - Year 5 Swimming
  • 13 - 24 June Year 3 Swimming



Below are the rest of the INSET dates for this year:

Friday 28th Jan – INSET Day

Monday 6th June 2022 - Queen’s Platinum Jubilee (Bank Holiday for schools)

Tuesday 7th June 2022 - INSET Day


Break up for summer holidays – Friday 22nd July 2022


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
