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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 20.1.2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

Water Leak

I would like to thank all parents, carers and families affected for your patience during the time of the water leak in the school car park.  I’m aware that having to close Dragonflies was disruptive and I’m grateful for your co-operation.  Welsh Water returned to school yesterday to fix the leak they hadn’t managed to fix on Wednesday and we believe that the problem is now sorted.  We will let you know in good time if you need to bring your canoes to school!


Chinese New Year – Sunday 22nd January

We wish all who are celebrating, a Happy Chinese New Year for Sunday – we hope that you have a wonderful celebration as you welcome in The Year of the Rabbit.  Here is a link to a story read by Mrs Williams all about Chinese New Year which can also be found on the school website.  A big thank you to Mrs Thomas and the children for decorating our Lakeside Half Aker Wood with New Year greetings and tangerines.  Please see the attached photos.


Industrial Action

I know that some of you have enquired about the published strike days for teachers.  As a reminder, the dates are: Wednesday 1st February, Tuesday 14th February, Wednesday 15th March and Thursday 16th March.  As yet, unfortunately, we have no information regarding the impact of the strikes and are waiting for guidance from the Local Authority.  As soon as we have any information, we will let you know.  Thank you.


NSPCC Number Day – Thursday 2nd February

Number Day actually falls on Friday 3rd February but as that is an Inset Day, we will mark Number Day on the Thursday instead.  As usual, pupils and staff are invited to come to school wearing something with numbers on it, and we will be collecting on the gate for the NSPCC.  Thank you.


Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 7th February

This week the Digital Learners pupil group have launched two competitions to go alongside Safer Internet Day.  One is to write a poem linked to this year’s Safer Internet Day theme, title "My Life Online"; the second competition is to create an animation about experiences online.  Work for the animation competition will take place in school.  There will be a 50p charge for each competition entry, and all money raised will be donated to Childline.  The deadline for entries is Internet Safety Day – 7th February.  Competition winners will be announced on Friday 10th February.


Lakeside Citizens Handwashing poster competition

The competition has been judged and a winning design chosen, which will be reproduced and displayed in hand-washing areas of the school.  Thank you to those pupils who took part and well done to the runners up and the winners.


Pupil Leadership Team School Mascot competition

This competition has also been judged and a winning mascot design chosen which will now become Lakeside’s school mascot.  As above, thanks to all pupils who took part – we always have an excellent response to our competitions and the children love hearing who the winners are when they are announced.  Well done to the winner of this competition.

Wishing you all a pleasant weekend,


Rachel Mitchell, Headteacher


DATES: 2022-2023 academic year

February 2023

Thursday 2nd February – NSPCC Number Day

Friday 3rd February – INSET DAY

Tuesday 7th February – Safer Internet Day

Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th February – Year 5 and 6 residential trip

Monday 20th February to Friday 24th February – Half Term break


March 2023

Wednesday 1st March – St David’s Day

Thursday 2nd March – World Book Day

6th – 17th March – Year 3 Swimming Lessons fortnight

10th-19th March – British Science Week

Friday 17th March – Red Nose Day

Wednesday 22nd March – Ramadan begins (exact dates TBC)

Friday 31st March – break up for Easter


April 2023


Sunday 9th April – Easter Day

Monday 17th April – back to school

Friday 21st to Saturday 22nd April – Eid ul-Fitr (exact dates TBC)


May 2023

Monday 1st May – BANK HOLIDAY

Monday 8th May – BANK HOLIDAY for Coronation

Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June – Half Term break


June 2023

Monday 5th June – INSET DAY


July 2023

Monday 24th July – last day of term




Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
