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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 23,2,24

Parentmail 23.2.24

Dear Parents/Carers,

Another wonderfully busy week at Lakeside as we kicked of this half term with Reception enjoying a puppet show to launch their new Learning Project, Puppets & Popups.  Our School Council presented a whole school assembly on Wednesday to celebrate International Mother Language Day and this was followed on Thursday with World Thinking Day, which saw many pupils dressed in Rainbows, Brownies, Beavers and Cubs uniforms for the day.  Year 2 visited Roath Park on Friday and didn’t mind the rain one little bit!

MMR – Urgent!

We have received an urgent communication from the Cardiff & Vale Local Public Health Team about the circulation of measles within communities in the UK.  The team is working on increasing the uptake of the MMR vaccine as this will provide the community protection.


Families whose children have missed vaccines can go to one of the Mass Vaccination Centres without an appointment, 7 days a week, 9.00am to 6.00pm, until 31st March 2024.


If you are not sure if your child is up to date, there are 3 ways of checking:

1) Check your child’s vaccination record book (the ‘Red Book’)

2) Call the UHB Child Health Team on 02921 836926 or 02921 836929

3) Contact your GP practice.


Please see the attached flyers for Vaccination Centre information.  Thank you.


Welsh Week

We are busy preparing for St David’s Day on March 1st.  All next week pupils will take part in a variety of Welsh-themed activities, including studying and painting in the style of famous Welsh artists, learning Welsh songs, and on Friday, taking part in Eisteddfod competitions, which culminate in the chairing of the bard ceremony.

On March 1st pupils in Nursery, Reception and Years 1 and 2 are invited to wear national Welsh costume or the colours of Welsh sports teams. 

On March 1st pupils in Years 3 to 6 are encouraged to wear tops in their house colour - red, blue, yellow or green – as the Y3-6 Eisteddfod is a competition between all the school houses, with an ultimate winner at the end of the day.

Pupils and families can purchase an artificial Marie Curie daffodil for £1, which will be for sale on the school gate from Monday.

Lakeside Chess Championship

We are looking forward to the Lakeside Chess Championship on Monday, February 26th when many players from Years 2 to 6 have signed up to play four rounds of 15-minute long games.  Good luck to all who are taking part! 

World Book Day – Friday 8th March

World Book Day itself falls on Thursday 7th, but we will celebrate it on Friday by inviting pupils (and staff) to wear comfy clothes for reading.  This could be pyjamas, joggers or whatever your child feels comfortable in, and that will enable them to curl up with a good book.


Lost Property

We have added yet more photos to the lost property on the school web site, so please check if your child has lost something.  Contact the school if you recognise anything, and please can we remind parents/carers to label clothes and any other items with their child’s name.  Thank you very much. 

Link to Lost Property: 

Best wishes,

Rachel Mitchell, Headteacher

February 2024

  • Monday 26th Feb – Fair Trade Fortnight begins
  • Monday 26th February to Friday 1st March – Welsh Week


March 2024

  • Monday 26th February to Friday 1st March – Welsh Week
  • Friday 1st March – School Eisteddfodau
  • Thursday 7th March – actual World Book Day
  • Thursday 7th March - Year 1 Parent Sharing Session
  • Friday 8th March – Lakeside celebrates World Book Day (please see above)
  • Sunday 10th March – expected date of beginning of Ramadan
  • Monday 11th March – Year 3 Swimming Week 1
  • Thursday 14th March – Year 5 Parent Sharing Session
  • Thursday 14th March – Book Fair begins
  • Friday 15th March – COMIC RELIEF DAY
  • Monday 18th March – Year 3 Swimming Week 2
  • Tuesday 19th March – Nursery Easter Bonnet parades
  • Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th March 2024 – Parent Consultations
  • Thursday 21st March – Year 2 Parent Sharing Session


April 2024

  • Monday 8th April – expected date of end of Ramadan
  • Tuesday 9th April – Year 4 Parent Sharing Session
  • Wednesday 10th April – expected date of Eid ul-Fitr
  • Friday 19th April – World Bee Day at Lakeside
  • Wednesday 24th April – Reception Parent Sharing Session


May 2024

  • Thursday 2nd May – Year 3 Parent Sharing Session
  • Monday 6th May – BANK HOLIDAY


June 2024

  • Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY


July 2024

  • Monday 22nd July – INSET DAY



Term dates

2023-2024 academic year

Break up for Easter

Friday 22nd March, 2024


Easter Break


Monday 25th March, 2024

Friday 5th April, 2024

Return to school

Monday 8th April, 2024



Monday 6th May, 2024


Break up for Half Term

Friday 24th May


Summer Half Term


Monday 27th May, 2024

Friday 31st May, 2024


Monday 3rd June



Last Day of term

Friday 19th July




Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
