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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 23.6.23

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you to all parents and carers of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 for bringing your children to NIAC for this week’s Sports Day.  Thank you also to those of you who were able to stay and watch the fun.  There was a great turnout – over 200 parents/carers/ families cheered for the children, who clearly had a wonderful time taking part in all the sporting activities – we think they may all be a bit tired this weekend!  

Thank you for supporting the PTA Preloved Uniform Sale last week.   The PTA raised £137 which represents a significant amount of recycled uniform.   A lot of navy school uniform items have now been donated to a Cardiff charity that helps other schools.  

Cycling Safety

5V will begin their Cycling Proficiency training next week.  May we please remind everyone that all pupils who cycle to/from school need to wear a helmet at all times when cycling.  Thank you.


Well done!

  • The Lakeside football teams played excellently at Saturday’s Lions Football Tournament and I’m delighted to share that the A team won!  A huge well done and congratulations to them all! 
  • Congratulations to Mrs Evans and the Wales Korfball team on winning the Tri-nations Korfball Tournament last weekend!  Well done to them and a huge thank you to the families who turned up to enjoy the event.


PTA News and Information

  • PTA SUMMER FAYRE 2023 takes place on Friday 7th July after school
  • Donations are needed for the following stalls please (please send donations from Monday 3rd July):
    • TEDDY TOMBOLA: donations of clean, good condition soft toys
    • CHOCOLATE TOMBOLA: donations of bars of chocolate (including multipacks)
    • BOOK STALL: we had a great book sale earlier this month raising over £200, but if you still have any children’s books in good condition that you wish to donate, they will be most welcome
    • CAKE STALL: this year we are asking Nursery, Year 1 and Year 3 to donate cakes on the day of the Fayre (though donations from ANY year groups are most welcome!)  Please do not donate anything that contains nuts – thank you.
    • SAVOURY STALL: by popular demand!  Any savoury foods/snacks are welcome – please donate on the day and again, no nuts.  Thank you.
    • SPONSOR A TABLE: if you have a business you would like to promote, this year you can sponsor a table for £50.  A poster or flag promoting your business can be placed behind or in front of the table.  Please email to book a table to sponsor or for further information.
    • HELP NEEDED ON THE DAY PLEASE.  The more helpers we have the more stalls we can run.  If you can help, please email Thank you.
  • Please remember to bring lots of change to the Fayre on the day plus containers for any cakes and/or savouries you may want to take home.

Year 6 End of Year celebrations - Reminder

  • The Year 6 Leavers’ Party will take place on Thursday 13th July, 2023 in Buzz Trampoline Park at 6pm.  The event has now been added to Parentpay.
  • The Year 6 Leavers’ concert will take place on Tuesday 18th July in the main school hall at 9.30am


Wishing you all a pleasant weekend,


Rachel Mitchell, Headteacher


DATES: 2022-2023 academic year

June 2023

Monday 26th June – Year 5 Cycling Proficiency Week 2 – 5V


July 2023

Tuesday 4th July – Cardiff High Transition Day 1

Wednesday 5th July – Years 3 to 6 Sports Day (all morning – NIAC)

Thursday 6th July – Reception Curriculum meeting for parents

Friday 7th July - PTA Summer Fair 3.15pm onwards

Monday 10th July – Cardiff High Transition Day 2

Thursday 13th July – Reception ‘Stay & Play’

Thursday 13th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Party, Buzz Trampoline Park 6pm

Friday 14th July – Nursery Sports Day: 9.30am and 2pm

Friday 14th July – Year 5 trip to Oakwood Theme Park

Tuesday 18th July – Year 6 Leavers’ concert 9.30am

Friday 21st July – last day of 2022-23 academic year for pupils

Monday 24th July – INSET DAY




September 2023

Monday 4th September – INSET DAY

Tuesday 5th September – INSET DAY

Wednesday 6th September – PUPILS RETURN TO SCHOOL


October 2023

Friday 27th October - Break up for half term

Monday 30th October – Friday 3rd November – half term break

Friday 22nd December – Break up for Christmas


Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
