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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 26-1-24

Dear Parents/Carers,

Well done to Year 5 for completing their Cycling Proficiency over the last two weeks. You have all done so well and we are very proud of you! Also, well done to our footballers for taking part in their match this week. Thank you also to all the Parents/Carers who were able to support this event.

NSPCC Number Day – Friday 2nd Feb

Pupils and staff are invited to wear number-themed clothes to school on Friday to mark NSPCC Number Day.  We will be collecting donations on the gate for the charity and enjoying number-themed activities during the day.

PTA News

The first PTA cake sale of 2024 will be taking place at 3.30pm next Friday, 2nd February 2024. Years 2 and 5 will be bringing home paper plates and please can these year groups kindly bring in homemade or shop bought (nut-free) cakes on the day of sale? There will be stalls at both the main school entrance and in the infant playground. All funds raised will go towards painting new sports markings in the playground.


PTA AGM Monday 29th January

The PTA AGM will take place on Monday 29th January in the upper school (KS2) staff room at 3.30pm.  Please come via the main office and a member of staff will bring you over to the meeting. The PTA are looking to appoint a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.  If any parent/carer would like to put themselves forward for these roles (or to share them with another parent/carer), the PTA would love to hear from you.  Please email them on or speak to one of the PTA members. 


Lost Property

We have added yet more photos to the lost property on the school web site, so please check if your child has lost something.  Contact the school if you recognise anything, and please can we remind parents/carers to label clothes and any other items with their child’s name.  Thank you very much. 

Link to Lost Property: 

Wishing you a pleasant weekend,

Best wishes,

Rachel Mitchell, Headteacher



February 2024

  • Tuesday 6th February – Internet Safety Day


March 2024

  • Monday 26th February to Friday 1st March – Welsh Week
  • Friday 1st March – School Eisteddfodau
  • Friday 8th March – World Book Day (Lakeside- National World Book day is Thursday 7th March)
  • Monday 11th March – Year 3 swimming begins for 2 weeks
  • Week beginning 18th March – Parent consultations


April 2024

  • Wednesday 10th April – Eid ul-Fitr (exact date TBC)
  • Friday 19th April – World Bee Day at Lakeside


May 2024

  • Monday 6th May – BANK HOLIDAY


June 2024

  • Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY


July 2024

  • Monday 22nd July – INSET DAY

Term dates

2023-2024 academic year


Friday 19th January



Break up for Half Term

Friday 9th February, 2024


Spring Half Term

Monday 12th February, 2024

Friday 16th February, 2024


Break up for Easter

Friday 22nd March, 2024


Easter Break


Monday 25th March, 2024

Friday 5th April, 2024

Return to school

Monday 8th April, 2024



Monday 6th May, 2024


Break up for Half Term

Friday 24th May


Summer Half Term


Monday 27th May, 2024

Friday 31st May, 2024


Monday 3rd June



Last Day of term

Friday 19th July




Monday 22nd July




Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
