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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 2.7.21

Dear Parents/Carers,

It’s been a lovely week weather-wise which has been perfect for all the filming that’s been going on; it’s always a pleasure to see pupils learning out in the fresh air. Year 2 even enjoyed a Friday camping day out on the field which was fab! I hope that the good weather continues into the weekend and that you get a chance to enjoy the outdoors.


Transition Arrangements within school

Details of your children’s new classes will be sent home next Friday (9th July), with their end of year reports. Links will also be available to Transition Powerpoints on the school website which will provide you with information about your child(ren)’s new class. Child(ren)’s new teachers will visit them in their current classes to introduce themselves and say ‘Hello’ during the following week.


Transition Arrangements Year 6 to High School

Cardiff High School staff visited Lakeside this week to speak to those Year 6 pupils that will join them in September. It seemed to really settle any children who were feeling a little anxious… and many have also excitedly reported that the food in the canteen sounds amazing and they are looking forward to having pizza for lunch.


The following links will take you to transition web pages and information for other high schools if your child is not going to Cardiff High:

Llanishen High School

St Teilo’s High School

Cathays High


Parents/Carers of pupils entering Year 6 in September (current Year 5)

Guidance is attached to the process of applying for your child’s secondary school. You will need to apply for your child’s secondary school place in the first term of their Year 6.

Friday 16th July: PTA Crazy Hair Day!

Pupils (and staff!) are invited to come to school sporting the craziest hair possible. There will be buckets on the gate to collect donations of £1 per crazy-haired child. Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Class Photographs

A reminder that orders for class photographs need to be placed online by 4th July if you want the photos delivered to school to be brought home by your children.


Year 6 Leavers’ performance

Both our daytime and night shoot last Friday went really well – the children (and several members of staff) had a great time dancing in some amazing clothes. Thank you to parents and carers for providing the costumes, wigs, glasses and children for a very successful and fun day and evening.


Staff news

Mrs Bird (Year 4 teacher) starts working from home next week, due to Covid pregnancy guidelines. Congratulations are in order also for Miss Massey (Year 2 Teaching Assistant), who is also expecting a baby and will be leaving us in July.


Covid Symptoms

A reminder of the extended Covid symptoms information from Test, Trace, Protect Wales. The three main symptoms remain the same (NEW, PERSISTENT COUGH, FEVER, LOSS OF TASTE/SMELL) and require a PCR test and isolation of the sufferer and household until a negative test is received. The extended symptoms do not require either the sufferer or their household to isolate, but a test is recommended to rule out Covid if any of the symptoms are present. The ‘extended symptoms’ are: FATIGUE, ACHES & PAINS, SORE THROAT, HEADACHE, RUNNY NOSE, NAUSEA, VOMITING or DIARRHOEA. If a positive test result is received the usual rules apply regarding isolation of sufferer and members of their household.

Term dates and Insets Days

  • The last day of term is Tuesday 20th July
  • The new school year starts again for pupils on 6th September 2021

Best wishes and have a lovely weekend,

Rachel Mitchell

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
