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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 29.04.22

Dear Parents/Carers,


It’s been a pleasure to welcome everyone back to school for the last term of the 2021-22 academic year – hasn’t it gone quickly? We have a busy and fun-packed term ahead of us with trips, sports days and some fun PTA events to look forward to.


Eid ul-Fitr

We wish all families who are celebrating Eid next week Eid Mubarak, and hope that you have pleasant and enjoyable celebrations. Here’s a link to our Ramadan and Eid video


After-school Clubs

As it is a Bank Holiday on Monday, there will be no Choir next week.


Football and Gymnastics will take place on Tuesday.


A new after-school club – DanceFit - is being offered to Year 4 pupils to run on Wednesdays in the Foundation Phase Hall. This is a chance for children to learn a range of dance styles including Street, Jazz and Disco. The price is £16 per four weeks and will start on Wednesday 4th May and end on Wednesday 25th May. Please book a place for this club online via this


PTA Seedling sale: Friday 13th May

Calling all green fingered growers! Lakeside PTA is inviting all parents/ carers/ grandparents to join in an early summer garden sale. Grow something from seed, or pot something ready for our day sale on Friday 13th May at school. If you get going now, or in the Easter hols, that gives you a few weeks to cultivate and thrive!


Simply label up and drop your plant on the table by the PTA container on the morning of May 13th. (Look out for details closer to the time, weather permitting). We also invite everyone, kids especially, to buy a plant and take home. Who knows, we might even be having a tomato chutney sale in Autumn!


Year 3 Swimming

Year 3 children’s swimming lessons will take place in the weeks beginning 13th and 20th June. More information will follow shortly.


Pavement Safety

We’ve had a few reports from parents/carers about moving cars mounting pavements as children are walking to school. Obviously, this is very dangerous. Please take extra care when driving to and from school, to ensure everybody’s safety.


Have an enjoyable Bank Holiday weekend.


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell



Upcoming events

May 2022

  • Early May Bank Holiday – Monday 2nd May
  • Friday 13th – Monday 16th May - Year 6 residential trip
  • May 16th-20th – Walk to School Week
  • Monday 23rd May – Year 2 visit to Newport Wetlands
  • Monday 23rd May – Class group photos (Year 2 photos will take place on Friday 27th May)
  • Friday 27th May – Platinum Jubilee Red, White and Blue Day
  • Break up for Summer Half Term on Friday 27th May


June 2022

  • Bank Holiday Monday 6th June
  • INSET DAY - Tuesday 7th June
  • Return to school for pupils Wednesday 8th June
  • Mon 13th – 24th June – Year 3 Swimming
  • Friday 17th June – Year 1 visit to Mountain View Ranch
  • Sun 19th June – Father’s Day
  • Fri 24th – Mon 27th June – Year 5 residential trip


July 2022

  • Friday 1st July – Year 5 Trip to Oakwood
  • Thursday 7th – Foundation Phase Sports Day at the National Indoor Athletics Centre at Cardiff Met
  • Friday 8th – Key Stage 2 Sports Day at the National Indoor Athletics Centre at Cardiff Met
  • Pupils break up for Summer Holiday on Thursday 21st July
  • INSET DAY – Friday 22nd July



  • Early May Bank Holiday – Monday 2nd May
  • Break up for Summer Half Term on Friday 27th May
  • Bank Holiday Monday 6th June
  • INSET DAY - Tuesday 7th June
  • Return to school for pupils Wednesday 8th June
  • Pupils break up for Summer Holiday on Thursday 21st July
  • INSET DAY – Friday 22nd July


Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th September are INSET DAYS

Pupils return to school on Wednesday 7th September

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
