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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 30.4.21


Dear Parents/Carers,

With the Bank Holiday approaching it seems almost inevitable that the weather has turned colder! In spite of this, I hope that you can enjoy even more of our post-lockdown freedoms over the long weekend, or just have a good rest. Information follows about some things that are happening this term, and though things are far from normal, we hope that we can look forward to a full term of attendance of all pupils and remain Covid free.

As we enjoy improvements in infection and case rates of Covid here in the UK, our thoughts are with the people of India and those within our community who have relatives and friends in that country. We send best wishes to all who are suffering and worried and hope for good news from India very soon.

NSPCC Number Day Friday 7th May “Dress up for digits”

Children (and staff) are invited to wear something with a number on it, or non-uniform, on Friday 7th. We will have buckets at the gates to collect donations to this worthy cause. Wear an item of clothing with a number on it and bring in a £1. This can be a sports shirt or cap, even a onesie. Or why not get more creative as a dice or calculator! Children will be doing some fun activities in the classroom all about numbers including Buddy’s Key Challenge!


Eid Thursday 13th May

Eid al-Fitr is expected to be on Thursday 13th May this year. Please let us know if your child / children will not be attending school that day as you celebrate as a family.

Scooter Racks and Cycling

Mrs Bird has applied to the council for 4 scooter racks to be put on the school grounds. This is part of our Active Travel Plan, encouraging pupils to walk, cycle or scooter to school. The application has been successful and a site visit will take place in two weeks to assess the best position for the racks. We currently do not have an update on whether the County Cycling Proficiency for schools is up and running but I will let you know as soon as I hear anything.


Alongside our Active Travel Plan, please remember to park safely when dropping off or picking up your children. I would particularly politely ask that you do not park on pavements where children are using the pavements outside school.

Class photos

Colorfoto will be coming into school on Wednesday 26th May to take class photos. Please can children make sure they are wearing school uniform that day. Thank you


A number of parents are finding it difficult to find the vegetarian option for the main school meal. Currently it appears at the end of menu. We are asking that it may appear below the main meat option for ease of use.

Covid Update

A reminder of the extended Covid symptoms information from Test, Trace, Protect Wales. The three main symptoms remain the same (NEW, PERSISTENT COUGH, FEVER, LOSS OF TASTE/SMELL) and require a PCR test and isolation of the sufferer and household until a negative test is received. The extended symptoms do not require either the sufferer or their household to isolate, but a test is recommended to rule out Covid if any of the symptoms are present. The ‘extended symptoms’ are: FATIGUE, ACHES & PAINS, SORE THROAT, HEADACHE, RUNNY NOSE, NAUSEA, VOMITING or DIARRHOEA. If a positive test result is received the usual rules apply regarding isolation of sufferer and members of their household.

Sun Safety in school

Typically for the British climate, we remind parents and carers that children should wear layers that can be discarded or added to as the temperature changes and to apply or supply sun cream when the weather is sunny. Also to provide enough water/soft drinks - in plastic bottles where possible - to last the whole school day. Thank you.

Term dates, Insets and Nursery closures

  • Bank Holiday Monday 3rd May
  • A reminder that Nursery will be closed for the Welsh government election on Thursday May 6th
  • Other Inset days: Friday May 28thand Monday June 7th
  • The half term break is Monday 31st May to Friday 4th June
  • The last day of term is Tuesday 20th July
  • The new school year starts again for pupils on 6th September 2021


I hope you all enjoy a lovely bank holiday weekend and the weather is good for us.

Best wishes,

Rachel Mitchell

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
