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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 3.9.21

Parentmail 3.9.21


Dear Parents/Carers,


A warm welcome to the 2021-22 Academic Year to our existing Lakeside families and to our new pupils and their families!  I hope that you all had an enjoyable summer break. The staff and I are looking forward to welcoming your children to school on Monday 6th September, and hope that the children are looking forward to meeting their new class teachers.


Water bottles and sun cream

We are promised some good weather over the next few weeks; please apply sun cream in the mornings and continue to send your children into school with enough water / drinks to last the whole day.


Covid arrangements

Though Covid restrictions have been relaxed in recent weeks, we are advised that we must continue to remain vigilant at school to protect our staff, children and families.  As such, we are committed to the following safety measures:

  • regular hand-washing and sanitising
  • enhanced cleaning regimes throughout the day
  • good ventilation
  • one way systems
  • staggered break and lunch times


Where a pupil displays one or more of the three main symptoms of Covid (a new continuous cough, high temperature, loss of smell or taste), they must isolate at home and arrange a PCR test as soon as possible.  Track and Trace have advised schools that where a pupil tests positive, the whole year group NO LONGER need to isolate.  TTP will advise close contacts and the school of any action they need to take.  


As per the summer term, please avoid sending pencil cases and equipment into school from home.  We will provide all that is needed for pupils.




Below you will find details of drop-off and collection arrangements as we revert to previous start and finish times for the school day.  Also, we have attached a map that may help and there will be signs and staff around to help in the first few days of the new term.  Please can all parents exit the site as quickly as possible once you have dropped off or collected your children – thank you.


The road outside the school is closed between the hours of 8.30am and 9.30am, and then from 3pm to 4pm. 


We politely ask that you please wear masks when dropping off and collecting your children, both outside the gates and on school premises.  Thank you.


For the safety of pupils, parents/carers and staff we will continue to operate a one-way system for drop-off and collection.  The following arrangements are also intended to reduce interaction and overcrowding as far as possible.


As always, our dedicated office staff and I will be available on the gates each morning and at the end of the day for any queries.



Nursery times: am: 9.00-11.30; pm: 12.45-3.15

Morning and afternoon Nursery pupils: enter via the blue gate to the side of the main gate (FOUNDATION PHASE ENTRANCE GATE).  Follow the path around to the right, then go past the Nursery building on your left.  At the end of this building is the NURSERY GATE – enter this gate and the Nursery door is on your left.  Staff will collect your child from you here.  If you have a child(ren) to drop off in Reception or Year 1, please carry on  through the Nursery playground.  If you do not have other FP children to drop off, please go back through the Nursery gate, turn left and exit the school grounds via the lower gate (FOUNDATION PHASE EXIT GATE) onto Woolaston Avenue, according to the one-way system. 


Nursery pupils are collected from the same door as they are dropped off – under the canopy.  Enter via the FOUNDATION PHASE ENTRANCE GATE, follow the path around to the right, past the Nursery building and in through the Nursery gate.  The Nursery entrance is immediately on the left.  After collection and if you do not have other child(ren) to collect from either Reception or Year 1, please go back through the Nursery gate, turn left and exit the school grounds via the lower gate (FOUNDATION PHASE EXIT GATE) onto Woolaston Avenue, according to the one-way system.  If you have a child(ren) to collect from KS2, you will need to walk back around to the main school gates.  Slightly different finish times allow for this.



Doors open between 8.45 and 8.55am

Enter via the blue gate to the side of the main gate (FOUNDATION PHASE ENTRANCE GATE).  Follow the path around to the right, then go past the Nursery building on your left.  At the end of this building is the NURSERY GATE – enter this gate and go under the canopy to the decking area.  Pupils in RD are to be dropped off by parents at the decking which leads to the RD ENTRANCE. Pupils in RS to continue through to the far gate and up the stone steps to the RS ENTRANCE GATE.  After drop-off, all parents to exit the school grounds via the lower gate (FOUNDATION PHASE EXIT GATE) onto Woolaston Avenue, according to the one-way system.


3.15 finish

Enter via the FOUNDATION PHASE ENTRANCE GATE.  Follow the path around to the right, past the Nursery building.  Parents of pupils in RD please enter the NURSERY ENTRANCE GATE, walk under the canopy and wait in the area at the bottom of the decking steps for the children to be handed over to you.  Parents of pupils in RS please go round the outside of the Nursery playground and wait near the stone steps leading to the main entrance for your children to be handed over to you.  After collection unless you have another child(ren) to collect from Year 1, please exit the fenced playground and leave school grounds via the lower gate (FOUNDATION PHASE EXIT GATE) onto Woolaston Avenue, according to the one-way system.  



Doors open between 8.45 and 8.55am

Enter via the blue gate to the side of the main gate (FOUNDATION PHASE ENTRANCE GATE).  Follow the path around to the right, past the Nursery building.   All Year 1 pupils to go up the main steps to the decking and into their classrooms from there. All parents to exit the school grounds via the lower gate (FOUNDATION PHASE EXIT GATE) onto Woolaston Avenue, according to the one-way system.


Finish time 3.25

Enter via the FOUNDATION PHASE ENTRANCE GATE.  Follow the path around to the right, past the Nursery building, round the Nursery playground and wait in the playground below the decking where the Year 1 classes are.  Your children will tell their teacher that they’ve seen you and will then be allowed to come to you from the decking.  Please immediately exit the fenced playground and leave school grounds via the lower gate (FOUNDATION PHASE EXIT GATE) onto Woolaston Avenue, according to the one-way system. 



Doors open between 8.45 and 8.55am

Enter via the blue gate to the side of the main gate  (FOUNDATION PHASE ENTRANCE GATE). At the ‘junction’ just after the blue shed, your child(ren) will be directed to the Year 2 gate (into 2P), and you will proceed along the path past the Nursery building and to exit the school grounds via the lower gate (FOUNDATION PHASE EXIT GATE) onto Woolaston Avenue, according to the one-way system.


Finish time 3.25

Enter via the FOUNDATION PHASE ENTRANCE GATE.  Follow the path around to the right, past the Nursery building, round the Nursery playground and wait in the playground near the Nursery metal fence to receive your children who will be brought to the stone steps leading to the main entrance.



Doors open between 8.45 and 8.55am

Pupils enter school via the KEY STAGE 2 DROP-OFF & PICK-UP gate, go through the double grey gates outside Mrs Mitchell’s office, past the main entrance, up the steps, along Top Play and around the play area to the door into what is now 3VF.  There will be signs, arrows and staff available to make sure they go to the right place.


Finish time is 3.30pm

Year 3 pupils will be brought to the KEY STAGE 2 DROP-OFF & PICK-UP and should be collected from here.  They will be escorted to the gate by staff members and handed over to parents/carers.



Doors open between 8.45 and 8.55am

Pupils enter school via the KEY STAGE DROP-OFF & PICK-UP gate, through the grey double gates outside Mrs Mitchell’s office and in through the main entrance.  From there they will walk up the middle stairs to their classrooms, where their class teachers will be waiting for them.


Finish time is 3.30pm

Year 4 pupils will be brought up the drive to the double main gates and can be collected from here.  As you look down the drive Year 4 will be on the left hand side.


Year 5 pupils will be brought up the drive to the double main gates and can be collected from here.  As you look down the drive Year 5 will be on the right hand side.


Year 6 pupils will exit school via the KEY STAGE 2 DROP-OFF & PICK-UP and should walk home or wait with their class teachers until they are collected.


We look forward to welcoming you all back at school.


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell


Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
