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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 4.3.22

Parentmail 4.3.22


Dear Parents/Carers,


It was lovely to see the children again on our return to school after the half Term break and especially wonderful to see them all in their Welsh costumes on St David’s Day.  Marie Curie daffodils were sold on the school gate on the 1st March and as usual the generosity of Lakeside families was fully in evidence, so much so that we completely ran out of daffodils!  This didn’t stop families donating.  Thank you – again – Lakeside families.


Pupils and staff enjoyed Welsh-themed activities throughout this week.  Each year group looked at a different Welsh artist and the children produced some fantastic artwork.  Flags were made, shields were designed, folk dances were practised and performed, poems written and songs were sung in the hall as each year group in KS2 held their own mini Eisteddfod at today.


Thank you so much to those of you who sent me your Half Term Welsh-themed work.  I thoroughly enjoyed looking at the photos and videos of children cooking with siblings, parents and grandparents.  We had photos of everything from Bara Brith to Won Tons, with lots of different kinds of Welsh cakes, biscuits and cookies in-between.  The children looked as if they were enjoying themselves a great deal and the food all looked delicious. 


Thank you also for encouraging your child(ren) to join in our World Book Day celebration by bringing their favourite book to school to share with their classes.



I’m sure that the thoughts of many of you, like mine, are with the families of Ukraine at the moment.  Donations of money can be sent to various charities, such as:

The Red Cross

Save the Children



Please be assured that any in-class conversations about the crisis in Ukraine are being dealt with delicately and sensitively, whilst addressing any of the questions the children may have.


Covid Update

As Wales remains at alert level zero, we are now able to gradually relax some of the protective measures we have in place. Therefore, from Monday 7th March we will no longer require parents / carers or staff to wear face masks on the gate or coming on to the school site. I appreciate how dedicated you have all been to following the guidance around this, and also to Mrs Nia Butler who has been on the gate each day with supplies for anyone who required them.


Parents’ Consultations: 24th, 28th, 29th & 30th March

As previously, Parents’ Consultations will be via online, ten-minute slots which you can book using SchoolCloud for meetings on Thursday 24th March and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 28th-30th March. Children’s work will be available to view online via SeeSaw or Google Classroom to share with you beforehand. A link to book your time slot will be set out nearer to the time.


After-school Clubs

These restart from Monday 7th March as follows:

  • Choir - Mondays – Years 5 & 6 together
  • Football - Tuesdays – Years 5 & 6 together
  • Gymnastics - Tuesdays - Year 3 (only pupils who are already going to Gymnastics can join this club currently, as it is full). 
  • Coding Club – Tuesdays – Year 4.  Letters have been sent home with Year 4 pupils this week and the club is now full.


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell



Upcoming events


March 2022

  • Friday 11th – Sat 19th March – British Science Week
  • Friday 18th March – Comic Relief Day
  • Sunday March 27th – Mother’s Day
  • Monday 28th March – 8th April - Year 5 Swimming


April 2022

  • Sat 2nd April – Sun 1st May – Ramadan (exact dates TBC)
  • Thursday 14th April – Sikh festival of Vaisakhi


May 2022

  • Friday 13th – Monday 16th May - Year 6 residential trip
  • Monday 23rd May – Class group photos


June 2022

  • Mon 13th – 24th June – Year 3 Swimming
  • Sun 19th June – Father’s Day
  • Fri 24th – Mon 27th June – Year 5 residential trip



  • Break up for Easter Holiday on Friday 8th April (return Monday 25th April)
  • Early May Bank Holiday – Monday 2nd May
  • Break up for Summer Half Term on Friday 27th May
  • Bank Holiday Monday 6th June
  • INSET DAY - Tuesday 7th June
  • Return to school for pupils Wednesday 8th June
  • Pupils break up for Summer Holiday on Thursday 21st July
  • INSET DAY – Friday 22nd July


Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th September are INSET DAYS

Pupils return to school on Wednesday 7th September

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
