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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 5.09.2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

A warm welcome to the 2023-24 Academic Year to our existing Lakeside families and to our new pupils and their families!  I hope that you all had an enjoyable summer break.  The staff and I are looking forward to welcoming your children back to school on Wednesday 6th September. 


Here’s a little reminder of all the fun and exciting times we had last year:



Password:  He11o2324Sep5


Good luck Year 7!

We send best wishes to all our former Year 6 pupils as they start at their new high schools – we will be thinking of you and know that you will be amazing!


Warm weather

It is typical that the hot weather has return as the children are returning to school! Please remember to put sunscreen on your children and send them in with hats and refillable water bottles to ensure they keep cool and get plenty to drink.


Year Group Information meetings

Year group curriculum information meetings for parents and carers will be held in September and October as follows.  These are where you find out what learning projects the children will be doing, which visits and trips are planned, and how you can help your child at home.






Friday 6th October

2.30 pm

FP Hall

Year 1

Thursday 21st September


FP Hall

Year 2

Friday 22nd September


FP Hall

Year 3

Wednesday 27th September


FP Hall

Year 4

Tuesday 19th September


FP Hall

Year 5

Thursday 28th September


FP Hall

Year 6

Wednesday 20th September


FP Hall


School Drop-off

Reception and Nursery pupils’ parents/carers will be notified of separate arrangements for drop-off and pick-up as they start school, but for all other year groups, the arrangements will be the same as last year:


The school gates open @ 8.45am

Year 1 parents/carers to walk their children round to the FP Playground;

Year 2 parents/carers to drop their children at the path to 2P;

Years 3 to 6: parents drop pupils at school gates to make their own way to their classes between 8.45 and 8.55am.


Late arrival at school

The school gates and doors are open between 8.45 and 8.55am.  Excluding Nursery, any pupils who arrive at school after 8.55am must go to the office in order to enter the school and be signed in, as class teachers will be busy taking registers and introducing lessons after 8.55am.  Thank you.


School Pick-up

Nursery and Reception parents/carers will be given separate information on collecting their children as they start school.

Year 1 pupils are handed over via the Year 1 decking at 3.25pm

Year 2 pupils will be brought to the Foundation Phase playground steps at 3.25pm

Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 pupils can be collected from outside the main gates at 3.30pm


Free School meals

Free meals will be available for all Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 pupils in September. The remaining year groups will be added to Universal Free School Meals later on in the year.


School Uniform Grants and information

We have received information about various grants/discounts from the local authority: please paste the following into your browser for Welsh government help


No PE sessions this week

Please note that there will be no PE sessions this week.  Class teachers will let children know which day of the week they will have PE.  Pupils can continue to come to school wearing their PE kit on the appropriate day.  School PE kit is available from YC Sports, alternatively children can wear navy/white T-shirts and navy shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms.  Children MUST wear white or dark coloured trainers on PE days please.  Please don’t send your children to school in expensive / designer sports kits or trainers.  If your child wears stud earrings, please cover them with a plaster or micropore tape before school on PE days, or take them out if possible. Thank you.



Children may bring snack into school each day. Please remember it needs to be healthy fruit or vegetables – thank you. Please note, we are a NUT FREE school (this includes products that contain nuts eg Nutella) - please abide by this at all times. Thank you.


After-school clubs

All after-school clubs will begin the week commencing Monday 18th September.  More information will follow soon.


I look forward to seeing everyone back at school tomorrow morning (Wednesday 6th September).


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell



Upcoming events / Term dates

September 2023

Monday 4th September – INSET DAY

Tuesday 5th September – INSET DAY

Wednesday 6th September – Y1 – Y6 Pupils back to school

Thursday 14th September – Year 5 Trip to Llancaiach Fawr Manor


October 2023

Thursday 5th October – flu vaccinations

Friday 27th October - Break up for half term

Monday 30th October – Friday 3rd November – half term break

Friday 22nd December – Break up for Christmas

Term dates

2023-2024 academic year

Additional INSET days TBD


Monday 4th September 2023




Tuesday 5th September 2023



Pupils return to school

Wednesday 6th Sept. 2023



Break up for Half Term

Friday 27th October 2023



Autumn Half Term


Monday 30th October, 2023

Friday 3rd November, 2023

Break up for Christmas

Friday 22nd December



Christmas Break


Monday 25th December, 2023

Friday 8th January, 2024

Return to school

Monday 8th January, 2024



Break up for Half Term

Friday 9th February, 2024



Spring Half Term

Monday 12th February, 2024

Friday 16th February, 2024


Break up for Easter

Friday 22nd March, 2024



Easter Break


Monday 25th March, 2024

Friday 5th April, 2024

Return to school

Monday 8th April, 2024




Monday 6th May, 2024



Break up for Half Term

Friday 24th May



Summer Half Term


Monday 27th May, 2024

Friday 31st May, 2024

Last day of term

Monday 22nd July, 2024




Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
