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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 5.11.21

Parentmail 5.11.21


Dear Parents/Carers,


It’s been a good week back at school and though the weather has been cold, it’s been sunny and therefore quite pleasant.  I hope that it lasts over the weekend – it feels like a time for kicking through piles of Autumn leaves.  If you are planning a Bonfire Night celebration, I wish you a fun exciting and safe celebration.



We wish Happy Diwali to all who are celebrating this lovely colourful festival over the weekend.  Mrs Williams has recorded a Mister Men and Little Miss Diwali story video that we hope you enjoy.  You can find it here:

On Friday (12th November) Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be enjoying Indian dancing and painting Diya lamps.


Pupil Photos

Next Wednesday, 10th November, is individual photo day for pupils.  Regrettably, as last year and due to Covid restrictions, we can’t accommodate photos of siblings.


Remembrance 2021

Thursday 11th November is Remembrance Day.  Year 6 will be selling poppies on the school gate in the mornings next week.  A Year 6 Remembrance video will be available for Thursday, and you can watch last year’s Year 6 Remembrance film via this link:  The password for this video is Remember2021.



The PTA’s AGM will be held on Monday 29th November via Zoom.  Joining details will be made available nearer the time.


School Clubs

Choir, Gymnastics and Football clubs all start next week.

Choir for Years 5&6 is on Mondays after school in the Foundation Phase Hall with Mrs Diane Wilkinson.  Please collect your child at 4.15pm from the main school entrance.

Gymnastics for Year 3&4 is on Tuesdays after school in the Foundation Phase Hall with Mrs Sam Parry.  Please collect your child at 4.15pm from the main school entrance.

Football for Years 5&6 is on Tuesdays after school on the field with Mr Mike Haines.  Please collect your child from the Key Stage 2 gate at 4.15pm.


Upcoming Events



  • Friday 12th November – Diwali Dance and Art day (Reception, Year 1, Year 2)
  • Wednesday 10th November - individual photo day
  • Thursday 11th November – Remembrance Day
  • w/c Monday 15th – 19th November – Anti-bullying Week
  • Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th November: Anti-Bullying VR workshops for all of Key Stage 2
  • Monday 29th November – Christingle celebration
  • 29th  Nov to 6th Dec – Jewish Festival of Hanukkah



  • Friday 10th December – Christmas Jumper Day £1 Donation for Save the Children
  • Friday 17th December – Last day of term



  • W/C 24 January - Cycling proficiency Year 5
  • 7-18 February - Year 4 Swimming
  • 28 March to 8 April - Year 5 Swimming
  • 13 - 24 June Year 3 Swimming



Below are the rest of the INSET dates for this year:

Friday 28th Jan – INSET Day

Monday 6th June 2022 - Queen’s Platinum Jubilee (Bank Holiday for schools)

Tuesday 7th June 2022 - INSET Day


Break up for summer holidays – Friday 22nd July 2022


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
