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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 5.2.21

Dear Parents and Carers,


I have a few updates for you with regard to a return to school for Foundation Phase pupils. More information to follow next week.


Return to school

Following the minister’s announcement today regarding pupils’ return to school after Half Term, Cardiff LA will now be drawing up guidance for schools regarding the detail of what the return will look like.  The information we have been given today is as follows:


Foundation Phase (Nursery to Year 2)

  • All Foundation Phase children will return to school during the week of the 22nd February.  This will be staggered across the week with all children attending by Friday 26th February. 
  • Staggered start and finish times will be the same as before Christmas as will the year group bubble arrangement. 
  • There will be no catering provision on site so all children will need a packed lunch.
  • The Foundation Phase hub provision will be in place all of the week beginning the 22nd February for critical worker childcare.


Key Stage 2

  • The Hub for Critical Worker children will remain in place for KS2 pupils. 
  • Remote learning will continue as it is until a date for the return of KS2 pupils has been set by Welsh government.
  • We have been advised that the earliest date for this will be 8th March.


Working Together Wednesdays

Thank you so much to those who have already engaged with our Storytelling Working Together Wednesday and sent in photos, videos and pieces of work.  The PTA story trail will remain available in the local area over the weekend, in case you haven’t had a chance to do it yet, and obviously the activities will remain on the web site for whenever you want to access them.


Next week’s Working Together Wednesday is all about Ancient Egypt.  The Egypt Centre in Swansea brings us videos and activities and our usual activities will be available: a story from Mrs Williams, an art class from Mrs Goddard, a PTA challenge and a list from Mr Carey.  


Big Schools’ Birdwatch

Thank you so much to all who took part in this, especially as it was on top of your Working Together Wednesdays activities!  I hope that you enjoyed birdwatching with your children.   By far the most frequent visitor to our gardens was the robin – probably encouraged by all the lovely bird-feeders you made after watching Miss Crompton’s videos. 





Critical Workers

Thank you to all of you who are involved in administering vaccinations, as well as continuing to care for those who are suffering in hospitals and in the community.  You are doing a super job and we continue to thank you for all your hard and important work.


Wishing you a safe and pleasant weekend,


Rachel Mitchell



Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
