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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 6/10/23

Parentmail 6.10.23

Dear Parents/Carers,

I often thank you – our families – for your generosity whenever we raise money or collect donations, and I mean every word.  Yet again, I must thank you for your incredible kindness.  Last Friday, we collected £343.43 in donations that you made to St John Ambulance.  Then at the end of Friday there was a PTA Cake Sale in aid of the Morocco and Syria DEC appeals, which raised an unprecedented £449.16!  That’s £792.59 raised in one day!  Then, on Wednesday, we held a Harvest assembly and the donations flooded in!  We estimate at least 500 cans of food collected, many kilos of pasta, rice, snacks, plus puddings, toiletries and cleaning items.  The School Council and the food squashed into a mini bus and delivered the donations to Emmanuel Baptist Church Food Bank in Gabalfa.  We couldn’t fit all the food into the storage space at the church and there are now several ‘overflow’ boxes.  The church Food Bank distributes food every Friday and say that they have enough for the next six weeks at least.  The School council are making a video about their ‘trip’ to the Food bank, on which they worked very hard!  So, thank you, thank you, thank you Lakeside families – you always rise to the occasion!  (Thanks also to Mrs Harries, the PTA and Mrs Street for organising these events and collections).

Nasal Flu Vaccinations

These were given to those who consented and were in school yesterday.  If you missed it and wish to have your child vaccinated, you will need to attend a catch up clinic – we will parentmail you when we are informed of any available sessions.  In order to have the vaccination, you will need to use the e-consent form which we parentmailed previously to access a catch up clinic.


Wear Yellow for Mental Health Day Tuesday 10th October

Tuesday 10th October pupils and staff are invited to Wear Yellow for Mental Health Day and we will be collecting donations for Bronwen’s Wish, a charity very close to our hearts here at Lakeside and which is financing the Wellbeing Pod being built in the school grounds at the moment. 


Shwmae Day Friday 13th October

On Friday 13th, we will celebrate Shwmae Day and all things Welsh by wearing red or anything Welsh, and enjoying some Welsh-themed activities throughout the day.  Please note that this is not a fundraiser so no need to bring money to school.


PTA News

Thank you to all those who attended the PTA meeting we held last week, lovely to see lots of new faces wanting to get involved. Really is worthwhile and very rewarding.


Here are some ways that you can help the PTA:

  • Helping to organise events
  • Help can take many different forms, e.g. helping set up, helping at the event, clearing up afterwards
  • Forming local links with businesses e.g. restaurants, caterers, artists, suppliers, entertainers etc., and/or companies that could sponsor events or make donations
  • Helping to be a year group communications link between your year group and the main PTA members. Send us an email if you would like to be included on the PTA WhatsApp as a start.

The email address is


Friday 13th October – PTA Preloved Spooks and Sparkles costumes Sale.

Ahead of the Disco, we are organising a sale of Pre-loved costumes. Please drop donations of any which no longer fit your children etc that may benefit other families at the office next week and you may even find yourself a bargain at the sale on Friday 13th 3.15pm


PTA Spooks and Sparkles Disco Thursday 26th October

Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Disco is at 5pm till 5.45pm

Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 Disco is 6pm till 7pm


Christmas Cards

The children have already prepared their designs and these are now with the printers. As soon as they return back with order forms we will have a short turn around in order to get the best outcome for the PTA so please ensure you make your orders as soon as possible when these are available. We are led to believe additional products have been included this year. They do make lovely Christmas gifts.


Thanks, PTA


Lost Property

We have MANY water/drinks bottles and Tupperware boxes without names on that have been handed in as lost property – a photo has been added to the lost property page of the website which you can find at Parents > Lost property, or via this link  If your child has mislaid something please take a look at the photos and let us know if you recognise anything.  Thank you.


Wishing you a pleasant weekend.


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell, Headteacher



Upcoming events / Term dates

October 2023

w/c Monday 23rd October – Parents’ Consultations

w/c Monday 23rd October – Outdoor Learning Week at Lakeside

Thursday 26th October – Spooks and Sparkles Disco

Friday 27th October - Break up for half term


Monday 30th October – Friday 3rd November – half term break


Thursday 16th November 6.30pm - PTA Annual General Meeting, School Hall



Friday 1st December – Christmas Fayre

Friday 22nd December – Travelling Pantomime

Friday 22nd December – Break up for Christmas


Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
