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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 7.6.24

Parentmail 7.6.24


Dear Parents/Carers,


It was lovely to welcome everyone back to school this week for the final half term of the school year.  We’ve had some lovely dry weather and this has meant that the PTA-funded playground markings could go ahead this week.  The KS2 playgrounds look great and everyone is looking forward to using our new netball and basketball hoops, cricket crease markings and five-a-side pitch and goals.  Thank you to the PTA for all their hard work arranging this and of course for paying for it all.


Many of you will have noticed that the paved area outside the main school gates has now been tarmacked by the council.  It looks much better and is very even, so is safer.


Reception and Year 4 pupils enjoyed wonderful trips this week – to Cefn Mably Farm and Bristol Aquarium.  A very animal-oriented week of visits for Lakeside pupils.


Also this week, Mrs Tanner took a group of pupils to a Lego League Challenge.  The group have been preparing for a number of weeks, building Lego machines and programming robots to work them.  The Lakeside pupils won the Robot Design Award for the best Lego robot!  Huge congratulations and well done to them.


Sun Safe Schools

The Lakeside Citizens have completed their Sun Safe video, which will form part of our accreditation for our annual Sun Safe Schools Award.  The video explains about how we need to take care when exposing ourselves to the sun and how to protect ourselves from harmful rays.  You can view the video via the link in the Parentmail emailed to you on Friday 7th June.   


PTA News

PS – the answers to the Young Celebs Photo section of the quiz are attached.


  • PTA Plant Sale – Friday 14th June (after school)

You may bring in your plant donations from Monday (10th June) and we are looking forward to a great sale of plants, seedlings and craft items on Friday. 


  • Summer Fayre – Friday 5th July (after school)

The PTA Summer Fayre will take place on Friday 5th July. 


Lost Property

Please see the Lost Property section of the website for photos of unlabelled items and contact school if you recognise anything.  Thank you.


Wishing you all a pleasant weekend.


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell, Headteacher


Upcoming events / Term dates

June 2024

  • Friday 14th June – PTA plant sale
  • Friday 28th June – Foundation Phase Sports Day @ NIAC 9-11.45am
  • Friday 28th June – Lakeside Netball match at home against Marlborough Primary


July 2024

  • Tuesday 2nd July – Nursery Sports Day
  • Thursday 4th July – Reception talk for new Reception parent/carers
  • Friday 5th July – KS2 Sports Day @ NIAC 9-11.45am
  • Friday 5th July - PTA Summer Fayre
  • Wednesday 10th July – Year 6 Leavers’ performance
  • Thursday 11th July – Lakeside Transition Day
  • Thursday 11th July – CHS Transition Day 1
  • Thursday 11th July – Reception Stay and Play
  • Friday 12th July – CHS Transition Day 2
  • Friday 12th July – Year 5 visit to Oakwood Park
  • Wednesday 17th July – Grand Opening of the Ty Bronwen Wellbeing Pod
  • Monday 22nd July – INSET DAY

Term dates

2023-2024 academic year

Last Day of term

Friday 19th July




Monday 22nd July



Autumn Term 2024


Monday 2nd September, 2024




Tuesday 3rd September, 2024





Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
