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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 8.3.24

Dear Parents/Carers,

We wish all families who are observing Ramadan all the blessing of the Holy month.  Parents/carers of pupils wishing to fast and/or pray should have received a letter about this which should be returned to school as soon as possible.  Thank you.


World Book Day

Thank you for joining in World Book Day.  The children enjoyed wearing their comfy clothes and relaxing to read books during the day.  Each child should by now have received a £1 Book Token.  These can be exchanged for books priced £1, which are available in supermarkets, or can be used for £1 off other children’s books.


Cake Sale

Many thanks to the Years 3 and 6 and all who have donated cakes, to the PTA for organising the sale and to all volunteers who are helping.  Please see the attached flyer with details of a PTA meeting which is on Wed 20th March, 7.30pm at Heath Park Community Hall.



You have already received a Parentmail this week detailing our forthcoming inspection, which will take place during the week commencing Monday 18th March.  Thank you for your understanding with the few changes we have made due to this.  Estyn would like parents to complete an online questionnaire.   Please find below the link (or QR in the attached letter) for this.  It should be completed by 10pm on Sunday 10th March.  Thank you.


The Inspection team have also requested the opportunity to meet with parents as part of the inspection process. Therefore, we would like to invite you to attend a meeting with members of the inspection team in the Hall on Monday 18th March between 3:45 p.m. and 4:45 p.m. The meeting is open to all parents/carers of pupils at Lakeside Primary and is an opportunity for you to share your views about the school.

To help facilitate your attendance at this meeting, there will be a creche facility available for any children who currently attend Lakeside (Nursery to Year 6).  A booking form for this will be shared with you on Monday 11th.

Swimming and Netball

We wish Year 3 pupils well for next week as they embark on Week 1 of their Swimming Training and good luck to the school Netball team who are playing two matches on Friday – one against staff for Comic Relief and another against Marlborough Primary.  Good luck with both!!!


Parent Sharing sessions

Thank you to parents/carers who joined us for the Year 1 Sharing Session this week.  It was a pleasure to welcome you to school to enjoy your children sharing their recent work with you.  I look forward to seeing Year 5 parents/carers at their sharing session next week on Thursday 14th March.  Please come to the upper school (KS2) gate for entry between 9am and 9.30am.


Please note that the Year 2 sharing session has been postponed to Tuesday 16th April at 2.30pm in the Big Hall.


Please also note that the Year 4 session which was due to take place on Tuesday 9th April has now been postponed to Thursday 18th April at 9.30am in the Big Hall.  Thank you


School Choir Concert - Thursday 14th March at 6.30pm

Lakeside School Choir is joining the Cardiff music service for a concert in the Dutch Barn at Whitchurch High School.  The concert starts at 6.30pm and is scheduled to end at 8pm.  Tickets are first-come-first-served on the door.


Comic Relief Day – Friday 15th March

For Comic Relief Day this year, pupils and staff are invited to wear odd shoes and/or odd socks.  On the afternoon of the 15th the school netball team will play a match against staff.  We fear humiliation for Lakeside staff on this one!  A big thank you to the parent volunteers who run the netball team for organising this match.


On the morning of the 15th Year 5 pupils will run stalls to sell all kinds of things to raise money for Comic Relief.  Last year they sold jewellery, sweets, cakes, drinks, and there were games and other fun activities.  Pupils in Years 3, 4 and 6 will visit the stalls during the morning of the 15th, and will need money for this in addition to any donations made to Comic Relief on the gate.


Parent/Carer Consultations

The re-scheduled parent/carer consultations will take place on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th April.  Details of the booking link and instructions on how to book will be shared.  The booking system will open at 6pm next Monday – Monday 11th March.  Thank you.


Food Bank Easter donations

The Food Bank at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Gabalfa are really grateful that we are holding another collection for them and have let us know that they have run out of the following items:

  • Tinned vegetables: sweetcorn, carrots, peas
  • Tinned meat/meat dishes: corned beef, stewed meat, meat curry, meatballs
  • Rice
  • Squash
  • Coffee
  • Instant Noodles

Of course, any donations of non-perishable items (food, toiletries, cleaning products, etc.) will be most gratefully received, and we’re hoping to get a few Easter eggs donated too.  Donations can be brought to the school gate in the mornings from Monday 18th March.  Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Lost Property

We have changed the photos in the lost property section of the school web site, so please check if your child has lost something.  Contact the school if you recognise anything, and please can we remind parents/carers to label clothes and any other items with their child’s name.  Thank you very much. 

Link to Lost Property: 

Korfball Youth Club

Please see attached the flyer for an exciting Korfball Youth club which will be starting soon at the House of Sport.

Best wishes,

Rachel Mitchell, Headteacher

March 2024

  • Monday 18th March – Year 3 Swimming Week 2
  • Monday 18th March – Parent/Carer meeting with Inspectors
  • Tuesday 19th March – Nursery Easter Bonnet parades: 10.45am & 2.30pm
  • Thursday 21st March – Year 4 visit to Caerphilly Castle
  • Thursday 21st March – Delivery of Food Bank donations to Emmanuel Baptist Church
  • Friday 22nd March – break up for Easter holiday


April 2024

  • Monday 8th April – expected date of end of Ramadan
  • Monday 8th April – return to school
  • Wednesday 10th April – expected date of Eid ul-Fitr
  • Monday 15th April – Year 1 visit to Mountain View Ranch
  • Tuesday 16th April – Year 2 Sharing Session 2.30pm
  • Wednesday 17th April – Reception visit to Barry Island
  • Thursday 18th April – Year 4 Sharing Session 9.30pm
  • Friday 19th April – World Bee Day at Lakeside
  • Wednesday 24th April – Reception Parent Sharing Session
  • Monday 29th April – Colorfoto – class and team photos


May 2024

  • Tuesday 30th April – Year 6 Parent Sharing Session
  • Thursday 2nd May – Year 3 Parent Sharing Session
  • Monday 6th May – BANK HOLIDAY
  • Wednesday 8th to Friday 10th May – Years 5&6 Manor Adventure residential trip

June 2024

  • Monday 3rd June – INSET DAY


July 2024

  • Monday 22nd July – INSET DAY



Term dates

2023-2024 academic year

Break up for Easter

Friday 22nd March, 2024


Easter Break


Monday 25th March, 2024

Friday 5th April, 2024

Return to school

Monday 8th April, 2024



Monday 6th May, 2024


Break up for Half Term

Friday 24th May


Summer Half Term


Monday 27th May, 2024

Friday 31st May, 2024


Monday 3rd June



Last Day of term

Friday 19th July




Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
