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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 8.7.22

Parentmail 8.7.22

Dear Parents/Carers,


Another wonderful week of sunshine in which pupils were able to get outside to play, practice for Sports Days and record the Year 6 Leavers’ video. Long may it continue.


We would like to wish Eid al-Adha Mubarak to all of you who are celebrating from Saturday. We wish you a peaceful and enjoyable festival.


Sports Days

Thank you so much to those of you who attended this week’s Sports Days at NIAC. They were wonderful events and the children really enjoyed themselves. Thank you also for taking the time to give us positive feedback about the events, this means a great deal to us all.


Tennis Wales Championship

Mr Vanstone and four remarkable tennis players from Year 5 returned from the South Wales tennis final triumphant (and hot!) this week. The team had won their regional event and then went on to win the final. They played in extremely tough hot conditions and came top in their group. They then went on to win against Oakleigh School in the semi-final and then won the final 4-2 against a strong Usk team, to be crowned Year 5 South Wales Tennis Champions. Mr Vanstone and all of us are extremely proud of the tennis they produced and how well they represented Lakeside Primary School. Well done all!


Nursery Singalong Day – Wednesday 13th July

We’re looking forward to welcoming Nursery parents and carers to our singalongs next Wednesday. If you are attending it would be great if you could bring a picnic blanket so that you can sit down in our brand new Half-Acre Wood Garden. Thank you.



Children will be bringing home their annual end-of-year reports next week. For years 2 to 6, these will also include their online personalised Welsh Government assessments for Procedural Numeracy Reasoning Numeracy and Reading.


Next year’s classes

Monday 11th July will be our transition day, where children will be visiting next year’s classrooms and meeting next year’s teachers. Please see the table below:


Current teacher and class

Next year’s teacher and class

RS – Mrs Rayer and Mrs Street

1BN - Mrs Burgin and Mrs Nessbert

RD – Mrs Davies

1C – Miss Crompton

1BN – Mrs Burgin and Mrs Nessbert

2P – Miss Page

1C – Miss Crompton

2H – Mrs Harries

2H – Mrs Harries

3VG – Mrs Vanstone & Mrs Gamble

2P – Miss Page

3D – Mrs Doyle

3D – Mrs Doyle

4V – Mr Vanstone

3VF – Mrs Vanstone and Mrs Frost

4B – Mrs Bird

4V – Mr Vanstone

5V – Mrs Vanstone

4L – Mrs Loulou Evans

5T – Mrs Tanner

5T – Mrs Tanner

6T – Miss Taylor

5V – Mrs Vanstone

6L – Mrs Loulou Evans


Staff news

We welcome back Mrs Bird from maternity leave, who will resume teaching year 4 next year, alongside Mr Vanstone. Miss Fry (year 6 teacher) is going on a 1 year secondment to develop her Welsh skills and share this training back with staff at school. Mrs LouLou will be moving to year 6 to cover this role. Mrs Frost (now Mrs Haines) is taking up a full-time secondment position to support and train Newly Qualified teachers across Wales. Mrs Burgin will continue acting up as deputy head for this time.


Lakeside Primary PTA summer fair and fun day Friday 15th July from 3pm

After being able to welcome parents and carers to both our wonderful Sports Days, we are really looking forward to everyone getting together for the first Summer Fayre since 2019. This is an event that is enjoyed by everyone: children, parents, grandparents, older and younger sibling, friends, neighbours and staff. The list of stalls looks incredibly exciting. I personally am looking forward to the many sweet treats that will be on offer. On that day we will also have the official opening of our Winnie the Pooh Half Acre Wood Garden, which is outside the front of the school. Those of you who have seen it will know what an amazing transformation has taken place. We will be visited by Winnie-the-Pooh and some of his woodland friends on the day of the Fayre. 


Best wishes for a safe and pleasant weekend,


Rachel Mitchell



Upcoming events

July 2022

  • Monday 11th July – Transition Day
  • Wednesday 13th July – Nursery sing-a-long with Parents
  • Friday 15th July - PTA Summer Fayre & grand opening of our Half Acre Wood
  • Monday 18th July – rearranged Year 5 trip to Oakwood
  • Tuesday 19th July – Year 6 trip to National Museum
  • Evening of Tuesday 19th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Party – Infinity Trampoline Park


  • Pupils break up for Summer Holiday on Thursday 21st July
  • INSET DAY – Friday 22nd July

Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th September are INSET DAYS

Pupils return to school on Wednesday 7th September

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
