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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail 8.9.23

Parentmail 8.9.23

Dear Parents/Carers,

It’s been a pleasure to see all our pupils back at school this week and we look forward to welcoming our new pupils and their families over the next few weeks.  Thank you for ensuring that your children are protected from strong sunlight and that they have enough to drink in this hot weather.


I am sure that you are all familiar with news reports about RAAC in school buildings.  We have been informed by the local authority that, fortunately, we have no RAAC at Lakeside.  Please also see the attached letter from Cardiff Council regarding this.


PE Lessons

Please can pupils wear their PE kit to school on their PE lesson day, as detailed below.  Thank you.

Year group

PE day of the week



Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4


Year 5


Year 6




School Meals

It’s really important that you book your child’s meal in advance (by 8am each morning) so that the kitchen can prepare the correct number of meals for children.  This applies to ALL school meals, including Universal Free School Meals.  The Parentpay booking system means that the Kitchen will only have enough food for the orders booked, so if you do not book your child’s meal, it is unlikely that there will be a meal available for them at lunchtime.  If this happens, the school has been advised to contact parents/carers and ask them to bring in a packed lunch for their child to eat.

Please see below two video links.  These will show you how to book and/or cancel your child’s school dinner.  It is very important that you cancel your child’s meal if, for example, they decide to bring a packed lunch to school or if they are absent.  Meals are prepared based on the orders booked via Parentpay, so if a child does not eat the meal, the food goes to waste.

Some parents/carers have found that the second video – how to cancel – is not very clear.  To cancel, you will need to go to the Parentpay Home page, select the child whose meal you wish to cancel and navigate to find the meal highlighted in green (this process is the same as the booking process this far!)  Then, you click on the meal you wish to cancel.  The green highlight will disappear and the date will go grey.  This is the only way to know that you have cancelled.   You can check that the date is no longer highlighted by going back to homepage and navigating again from there to the meal choices.

Sickness and Diarrhoea

If your child has vomited or had diarrhoea, NHS guidelines are that they need to be clear for a full 48 hours before returning to school. Please do not send your child back to school before this point to avoid spreading the illness. Thank you


After-school Clubs

After school clubs will start week beginning 18th September.  Please see the attached for details.  There will be a Dancefit taster session during the school day on Monday 11th September for Years 3 to 6.  If your child would like to join this session, please send a note in for their teacher, giving them permission to attend. The session will be at 2pm.


In addition to the clubs listed in the attached document, Chess Club will also be restarting from Monday 18th September, for Year 2 pupils.  A letter will be sent home to Year 2 parents/carers next week, with further details and information.


Year Group Information meetings

Year group curriculum information meetings for parents and carers will be held in September and October as follows.  These are where you find out what learning projects the children will be doing, which visits and trips are planned, and how you can help your child at home.






Friday 6th October

2.30 pm

FP Hall

Year 1

Thursday 21st September


FP Hall

Year 2

Friday 22nd September


FP Hall

Year 3

Wednesday 27th September


FP Hall

Year 4

Tuesday 19th September


FP Hall

Year 5

Thursday 28th September


FP Hall

Year 6

Wednesday 20th September


FP Hall


Upcoming events / Term dates

September 2023

Monday 4th September – INSET DAY

Tuesday 5th September – INSET DAY

Wednesday 6th September – Y1 – Y6 Pupils back to school

Thursday 14th September – Year 5 Trip to Llancaiach Fawr Manor


October 2023

Thursday 5th October – flu vaccinations

Tuesday 10th October – Wear Yellow for World Mental Health Day

Friday 13th October – Wear Red/something ‘Welsh’ for Shwmae Day

W/C Monday 23rd October – Parents’ Consultations

Friday 27th October - Break up for half term

Monday 30th October – Friday 3rd November – half term break

Friday 22nd December – Break up for Christmas


Term dates

2023-2024 academic year

Additional INSET days TBD


Monday 4th September 2023




Tuesday 5th September 2023



Pupils return to school

Wednesday 6th Sept. 2023



Break up for Half Term

Friday 27th October 2023



Autumn Half Term


Monday 30th October, 2023

Friday 3rd November, 2023

Break up for Christmas

Friday 22nd December



Christmas Break


Monday 25th December, 2023

Friday 8th January, 2024

Return to school

Monday 8th January, 2024



Break up for Half Term

Friday 9th February, 2024



Spring Half Term

Monday 12th February, 2024

Friday 16th February, 2024


Break up for Easter

Friday 22nd March, 2024



Easter Break


Monday 25th March, 2024

Friday 5th April, 2024

Return to school

Monday 8th April, 2024




Monday 6th May, 2024



Break up for Half Term

Friday 24th May



Summer Half Term


Monday 27th May, 2024

Friday 31st May, 2024

Last day of term

Monday 22nd July, 2024





Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
