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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail December 9th, 2022

Parentmail December 9th, 2022


Dear Parent/Carer,

A wonderful welcome to school this morning with Christmas music on the gate and fabulous Christmas jumpers everywhere.  Thank you again to Lakeside families for joining in the fun and for your generous donations.  Our collection raised £205.60 for Save the Children!


Year 4 Concert at St David’s Hall

Huge congratulations to many of our Year 4 pupils on their involvement in the Cardiff and Vale Music Service Christmas concert on Monday.  I was in the audience with pupils’ families and every single one of us had a wonderful time.  It was magical and our Year 4 children were excellent.  Their behaviour was impeccable and we’re extremely proud of them!


PTA Christmas Fayre

Thank you to everyone who attended, donated towards, planned and generally helped with this year’s Christmas Fayre, it was a huge success. The more people who can help the easier and more fun the Fayre can be for everyone.

It was a lovely, busy community event, with something on offer for everyone. We had lots of stalls and thanks to Domino's for their donation of pizza, TyCelyn for their popular Santa Shoot-out and the Year 6 children for their festive games. In particular we thank Santa who was able to pause his busy schedule to pop into school, read a story and have photos taken with lots of children. All letters written and posted at the Fayre have been received at the North Pole. For those who are expecting a response from Santa, hold tight, this will happen as soon as the Elves gets Royal Mail to pick them up. 


We aim to keep most stalls at an affordable price, so all children can feel part of the Fayre in some way and parents don't feel completely fleeced. With that in mind the Fayre made a remarkable £1,225.


In terms of an update, we are currently in talks with the school on funding some repairs and painting part of the Nursery and Reception playground for these children to enjoy.


We are excited that the children in the School Council have put forward a proposal for additional equipment for use at playtimes which we are currently liaising on.


We were disappointed to hear from the school that the outside gym equipment we had hoped to install after the many votes from the summer Fayre has not been accepted by the Health and Safety department.  PTA are liaising with the school on what alternatives the department will allow us to install.  Watch this space…


Finally, we are excited to say that your PTA will be funding the much-loved Christmas Panto during the last week of school.


Thank you for all your support, from the PTA.



It will soon be time for our Christmas sharing to start - see the timetable below.  I have seen and heard some wonderful singing and I’m looking forward to when these can be shared with families. 


Christmas sharing timetable




Monday 12th December



Tuesday 13th December

Nursery AM Christmas sharing

Nursery PM Christmas sharing

Wednesday 14th December

Reception Christmas sharing

Year 3 Christmas sharing

Thursday 15th December

Year 1 Christmas sharing


Friday 16th December

Year 6 Christmas sharing






Monday 19th December

Year 4 Christmas sharing


Tuesday 20th December

Year 2 Christmas sharing


Wednesday 21st December



Thursday 22nd December

Year 5 Christmas sharing


Friday 23rd December




For the morning performances, teas and coffees will be served from 9.00am, ready to start at 9.30am. 

For the afternoon performances, teas and coffees will be served from 2.00pm, ready to start at 2.15pm.

You will be able to take photos and videos during the sharing, but they are not to be uploaded on any social media sites (just please be respectful of the view of those behind you!)


Wishing you all a pleasant weekend,


Rachel Mitchell, Headteacher


DATES: 2022-2023 academic year

December 2022

Tuesday 13th December – Nursery Christmas sharing AM & PM

Wednesday 14th December - Reception Christmas sharing; Y3 Christmas sharing

Thursday 15th December – Year 1 Christmas sharing

Friday 16th December – Year 6 Christmas sharing

18th – 26th December – Hanukkah

Monday 19th December – Year 4 Christmas sharing

Tuesday 20th December – Year 2 Christmas sharing

Thursday 22nd December – Year 5 Christmas sharing

Friday 23rd December – last day of term




January 2023

Monday 9th January – Return to school

Sunday 22nd January – Chinese New Year


February 2023

Friday 3rd February – NSPCC Number Day

Tuesday 7th February – Safer Internet Day


Monday 20th February to Friday 24th February – Half Term break

March 2023

Wednesday 1st March – St David’s Day

Thursday 2nd March – World Book Day

10th-19th March – British Science Week

Friday 17th March – Red Nose Day

Wednesday 22nd March – Ramadan begins (exact dates TBC)

Friday 31st March – break up for Easter


April 2023


Sunday 9th April – Easter Day

Monday 17th April – back to school

Friday 21st to Saturday 22nd April – Eid ul-Fitr (exact dates TBC)


May 2023

Monday 1st May – BANK HOLIDAY

Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June – Half Term break


June 2023


July 2023

Monday 24th July – last day of term





Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
