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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconParentmail September 16th, 2022

Parentmail September 16th, 2022


Dear Parent/Carer,


It's been a pleasure to see the children settle in to their routines in our first full week back at school for Years 1 to 6.  We have welcomed our new Reception and Nursery pupils this week and it has been a pleasure getting to know them.  We look forward to a very exciting year here at Lakeside and all the wonderful things planned for your children to enjoy, immerse themselves in and thrive. 



I'm sure that you're all aware that Monday 19th September, the day of the Queen's funeral, is a Bank Holiday, and the school will be closed.  Please note that Dragonflies Playcare will also be closed on this day.  Thank you.


School Lunches: no sandwiches/baguettes/rolls

As you can see from the menu, a full range of hot meals for school lunches is provided by Cardiff Catering.  Please note that sandwiches, baguettes and rolls are NOT available on normal school lunch days.  You can only order these for days when your child is going on a school trip and needs a packed lunch.  The school kitchen does not stock any bread products other than on days when there is a school trip, and then only enough for pupils who are going on the trip.  Thank you.


Reduce Reuse Recycle PTA Uniform Event

Many thanks to the PTA for organising this event and to all the families who supported it.  An amazing £260 was raised in a very short time and this will be donated to the DEC Pakistan Flood Appeal

Cake Sale

Kicking off our first event next Friday 23rd September with a cake sale at pick up (from 3.30pm). Please can Year 2 and 6 lead this event with all proceeds going to the wonderful MacMillan Cancer Support. The cake sale stalls need to be managed by the year group parents, cakes sent in with your child/ children in the morning, and remember everything supplied needs to be nut free, (homemade or bought is totally fine). We have sent the paper plates home with Year 2 and Year 6 today.

 More news to follow soon of events planned for this term by the PTA - watch this space!

After-school Clubs

Clubs start the week beginning 20th September, 2022, and the first session of Choir will take place on Monday 26th September due to the Bank Holiday.


Wishing you all a pleasant weekend.


Best wishes,


Rachel Mitchell, Headteacher


DATES: 2022-2023 academic year

September 2022

  • Monday 19th September - BANK HOLIDAY for Queen Elizabeth II's funeral
  • Friday 23rd September – PTA cake sale
  • Friday 30th September Year 5 trip to Llancaiach Fawr

October 2022

  • Monday 10th October – Wear Yellow for Mental Health Day
  • Friday 14th October – Wear Something Red for Shwmae Day
  • Wednesday October 26th - flu vaccinations for pupils.  More details to follow.
  • Half Term break: Monday 31st October to Friday 4th November


November 2022

  • INSET DAY MONDAY 7th November, 2022
  • Friday 18th November – Children in Need


December 2022

  • Friday 9th December – Christmas Jumper Day
  • Friday 23rd December - break up for Christmas


January 2023

  • Monday 9th January – return to school


February 2023

  • Friday 3rd February – NSPCC Number Day
  • Tuesday 14th February – Safer Internet Day
  • Half Term break: Monday 20th to Friday 24th February


March 2023

  • Wednesday 1st March - St David’s Day
  • Thursday 2nd March – World Book Day
  • 10th-19th March – British Science Week
  • Friday 17th March – Red Nose Day
  • Wednesday 22nd March – Ramadan begins (exact date TBC)
  • Friday 31st March – break up for Easter


April 2023

  • Monday 17th April – return to school
  • 21st-22nd April – Eid ul-Fitr (exact dates TBC)


May 2023

  • Monday 1st May – bank Holiday: school closed
  • Half Term break Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June


July 2023

  • Monday 24th July – end of term


Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
