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Lakeside Primary School

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Wishing all our families a peaceful and pleasant summer break and good luck to all our Year 6s as they move on to high school xxx


dragonfly logo iconRoutines and Procedures

Dear Parents and carers,

Routines and Procedures

As we have welcomed the children back this week, we have a few important reminders we would like to share with you, to ensure the health and safety of all our pupils.

Personal belongings, lunch and snack

Some children are bringing a large rucksack/bag as well as a separate lunch bag.  All that your child needs to bring is a small bag with their lunch inside, a bottle of water and a snack for the morning.  Please make sure these [as well as school jumpers, cardigans and coats] are clearly labelled with their name.  

Snack needs to be a piece of fruit (or veg).   To ensure the safety of children with allergies in the school, there are to be NO NUTS brought to school including any products that contain nuts such as peanut butter, Nutella etc.  The lunch bag needs to be one that can be washed/wiped down before being brought back into school the following day.

Please also remember that to minimise things being brought into school and back home again, children should NOT be bringing in any other personal items (e.g. pencil cases, jewellery). On PE days please can children wear PE kit.

Pupil workbooks:

We have some pupil work books from previous years that we would like to send home.  These books have been in storage and you can quarantine them (i.e. leave them untouched for the advised 72 hours).

Beginning and end of the day

Thank you everyone for socially distancing and keeping to your time slots for drop off and pick up.  This has been a successful and safe way of getting the children into school.

Year 2

Due to the building work still taking place, we have had to make a few changes to the drop off and collection for the year 2 children.

In the morning: children from both 2P and 2H will be met by a member of staff at the main blue gate (parents will not need to enter the school site with them).

End of the day: Enter the school site via the main blue gate and then follow a one way system, down the path to 2P outside area.  All year 2 children will be lined up in the area ready to hand over to you.  Then continue the one way system along the path towards the car park and up the middle of the drive towards to main gate.  Please keep the one way system moving.


Year 1


Year 1 children will be returning for their first day tomorrow and staff will be on hand to direct you from the blue gates to the drop off points.  This will be repeated at home time.



Many thanks,

Motivated, Happy, Imaginative & Caring Community
